
Ground Turkey Pasta

Last week I made this insanely delicious Ground Turkey Pasta from Insanely Good Recipes that can be found HERE .  I'm so proud of the success that I have made the past almost-three months with Noom. I have been eating more ground turkey, whole wheat, whole grain, fruits and vegetables, less protein bars (thanks to my sister!) and less Coke Zero when possible. As of today I am at my very lowest weight since being on Noom almost 3-months ago and I'm down 5 pounds, my BMI is down by 1.0 and my body fat is down by 1.5%. Holy moly. It's been a lot of changes but I'm really happy and proud of my accomplishments so far.  I hope you enjoy this pasta recipe as much as I did! In this recipe, I used onion powder instead of onion, and garlic powder instead of garlic. Ingredients: 1 pound ground turkey 1 tbsp onion powder 1 tbsp garlic powder 2 tbsp dried oregano 1 tsp dried basil 3 cups whole grain rotini pasta 1 jar organic pasta sauce 8oz organic chicken broth 1/4 cup shredded pa

Healthy Homemade Garlic Mashed Potatoes

I have made these Garlic Mashed Potatoes several times. This recipe is from Noom and has been my go-to. Even though they have sour cream in them, Jace (12 years) loves them and asks for seconds every time. You don't even need gravy or butter because they are so creamy on their own. I have used red and brown potatoes, I use fat free milk instead of skim milk, garlic powder instead of garlic, and I don't typically use salt when I cook so I eliminate it from this recipe. Ingredients: 5-6 unpeeled red potatoes, cut into pieces 1/4 cup fat free milk 1 tbsp garlic powder 1/3 cup low-fat sour cream Pepper Directions: In a medium saucepan, combine the potatoes and enough water to cover.  Add the milk and garlic powder.  Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and then reduce to medium. Cook for 20 minutes and the potatoes should be tender. Drain the potatoes. Return to the pan. Add the sour cream and mash until smooth.  Top with pepper. Enjoy!

Air Fryer Chicken Hibachi

It's been awhile since I have blogged, and quite honestly, I have been experiencing hardcore burnout. I have attended a burnout webinar and workshop through my work without even being aware that I was experiencing it. I have already looked into a housecleaner, scheduled some family time and trying to do some things that my therapist recommended :)  One of the things I won't stop doing and absolutely love is cooking. Although, at times, it can be stressful, I do love making delicious food for my family. Last night was no different. Have you ever made Chicken Hibachi in the Air Fryer? It is amazing! The original recipe can be found HERE . We used garlic powder instead of garlic and everything else we kept the same! Ingredients for the chicken: 2 medium chicken breast, cubed 1 cup Zucchini 1 cup Squash 1/4 cup Carrots Ingredients for the sauce: 4 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp rice vinegar 1 tbsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp ground ginger 2 tbsp brown sugar, organic Instructions

Korean Braised Short Ribs in the Slow Cooker

If you are looking for a decently healthy, and so delicious dinner, you will want to try these braised short ribs in the crockpot. This recipe is super simple to make and the rib meat literally fell of the bone. The original recipe can be found HERE . We used onion powder instead of an onion, garlic powder instead of garlic, ground ginger instead of ginger, we did not use scallions, kimchi, or carrots.  Ingredients: 1 tbsp onion powder 1tbsp garlic powder 2 tbsp ground ginger 2 cups beef broth 1/2 cup Coconut Aminos 1/4 cup organic brown sugar 2 tbsp unseasoned rice vinegar 2 tbsp gochujang 1 tbsp sesame oil 2 tbsp vegetable oil Pepper 3-4 short ribs 2 tbsp cornstarch Directions: In a slow cooker, add the onion powder, garlic powder, ground ginger, beef broth, Coconut Aminos, brown sugar, rice vinegar, gochujang, and sesame oil.  On the stove, heat two tbsp vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Season ribs with pepper. Add short ribs to pan, reduce to medium and brown

Healthier General Tso's Chicken

What a crazy Saturday! I made this Healthy General Tsos Chicken recipe (not realizing that it was originally a slow cooker recipe) and turned it into a stovetop recipe. It turned out so good. I was going to prepare rice and broccoli but Jace and Kevin just had noodles with theirs. I only took one photo because I was so distracted with dinner and honestly didn't want to cook but I'm so glad I did. The original recipe is from Sweet Savory and Steph and can be found HERE . I hope you enjoy! For reference, we did not use sriracha, did not use garlic and used ground ginger in place of ginger.  Ingredients: 1 large chicken breast, cut into chunks (this was enough for two adults and one child) 2 tbsp cornstarch 1/4 cup low sodium, organic soy sauce 1/4 cup organic brown sugar 2 tbsp Hoisin sauce 1/2 tsp sesame oil 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 2 tbsp ground ginger Directions: Cut the chicken breast into bite-sized cubes. Toss the chicken with cornstarch and p

Apple Crisp Dessert

If you are looking for an amazing dessert that the whole family will love, you will want to make this Apple Crisp Dessert from Noom. This was a huge hit and we made it as a family which I absolutely loved.  Ingredients: 4 apples, peeled, cored and sliced 2 tsp lemon juice 1/4 tsp vanilla 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/2 cup oats 1/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature Directions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a mixing bowl, combine apples, lemon juice, and vanilla. Toss to combine. Layer apples in a baking pan.  Combine brown sugar, cinnamon and oats in a separate bowl. Cut in the butter and sprinkle the mixture over the apples.  Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes or until the topping is crunchy and apples are tender.  Serve with whipped cream or, like I did, one scoop of ice cream :) 

Black Pepper Chicken

Happy Saturday! Jace is at a friend's house, Kevin is sleeping so I thought I would catch up on blogs. Lately, I feel like Saturdays are more of a catch up day lately more than a day to relax. I have a huge to-do list that is overwhelming at times. I have been thinking a lot lately about hiring a domestic assistant. I was talking to my Grandma the other day who was saying that she hasn't seen Jace since he was 7 years old. He is now almost 13! I looked at him the other day and thought, "He is almost 13!!!" Where has time gone? I was barely able to squeeze a game of Children's Charades with him the other day after working 9+ hours, home cooking dinner and trying to figure out my medication (I've been exhausted throughout my days but I think I finally figured out a time to take my medication where I'm not tired during the day). Jace is also doing kickboxing once a week in Paso so that has been an adjustment but he loves it. If you have hired or have experien