
Herb Breaded Chicken

I'm trying to be on top of my blogs and since my Broncos don't play until 5:20pm this evening, I figured I could squeeze in a blog or two today ;)  The other day we made this AMAZING Herb Breaded Chicken and, of course, the recipe is from NW Kidney and can be found HERE . I have a blender but I went to the local market and they actually had a chopper that chopped everything and, since we are making homemade breadcrumbs in this recipe, I definitely purchased it. I would highly recommend getting one as it makes it SO easy to blend. This recipe itself is super super easy to make and OH MY WORD it's amazingly delicious. Like I always say, I'm super picky when it comes to chicken breast recipes and this one is wonderful. I followed this one pretty much to a "T" as the recipe. We added BBQ sauce on the side and feel free to add any other sides!  Ingredients: 1/4 tsp basil 1/4 tsp thyme 1/4 tsp oregano 1/4 tsp tarragon 1/4 tsp paprika powder 1/4 tsp pepper 2 slices w

Homemade Italian Meatballs

Is anyone else obsessed with "90 Day Fiancee" or just me?  I watch every season basically and I am such a sucker for reality shows. I have a DVR so I always record the Friday night and Sunday night episodes and I just finished the Tell All. So obsessed. Anyways....back to the actual reason why I'm writing, and it's for another recipe of course! This recipe was delicious. I made these Homemade Italian Meatballs and then had a side of spaghetti pasta noodles and spaghetti sauce. Jace used Alfredo Sauce instead of spaghetti sauce. I didn't didn't make this as a spaghetti, I did them all separate for the reason of being able to add the type of sauce wanted/needed. Serve with garlic bread. The original recipe can be found HERE from NW Kidney. This recipe has a secret/different ingredient in it which would be Old Fashioned Oats. This would be instead of a breadcrumbs. You will be surprised on how great they tasted. Jace saw the oats and asked if they were almonds.

Healthier Ground Beef Enchiladas

I just sat down for the first time today to actually relax. And it's 4pm on a Saturday. Yesterday was my birthday (yay for 36!) so my fiance and I went down south and stayed at a hotel. We had a nice time. I drove home two hours today and then finished up putting resin on some tumblers, I went to the market so I can make more recipes for you guys, wrapped presents for my son because his birthday is next Friday, and then worked for a few minutes. I also received some Amazon orders because, you know, Christmas is in a few weeks, so I went through those as well. Whew, ready for a break. I am so behind on blogs and I am pretty sure I say that in all of my blog posts. I actually have a blog post that I'll be making next about discounts and deals you can receive from companies during your birthday. And my birthday was yesterday so that tells you how behind I am on blogs :/  So I think I made this recipe last week, or maybe the week before and it's for Ground Beef Enchiladas. Kevi

Crockpot Spaghetti and Meatballs

I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving! We did. We went to my grandparents house and they hosted. Nana and Papa made a turkey, ham, stuffing, and we had rolls, vegetables, cheese, crackers, and homemade whipping cream for pumpkin and apple pie.  For being the weekend today, I actually felt like I worked all day. I worked my job for three hours, dinner is in the crockpot, I sold three tumblers and sold some headphones so I cleaned out the tumblers, packaged them, printed off the mailing labels, and getting them ready to ship. The best thing about today was that I almost didn't wake up until noon :) I have NO idea when the last time was when that happened!  Earlier this week I made a Crockpot Spaghetti and Meatballs recipe and it turned out SO amazingly good. The recipe can be found from Eating Well which can be found HERE . The full recipe is below. We did not use veal and we used a bottle of spaghetti sauce instead of a homemade one like the recipe.  Ingredients: 1 large bottl

Ground Beef Stuffed Shells

Life looks so different for me now than it did even two months ago. Work has consumed my days instead of checking my thousands of emails and entering giveaways all day ;) Last night I also had my Uncle's wedding reception which was so amazing and beautiful. I love him and his wife so much.  Next week is Thanksgiving and the following week is my birthday weekend. The week after that is my son's birthday and my nieces birthday and my cousins birthday and Christmas...and....*deep breath* much. I am also going back to Utah the end of December which I'm SO excited about! I'm going to be surprising my nieces and nephew and I'm taking Jace with me so I can't wait!  Thank goodness for weekends. Jace is at his Nana's until five days so I have time to write blogs and work on tumblers :) Also, it is so nice to have a weekend of just doing nothing.  Anyways, I still manage to cook almost everyday so this recipe was no exception. The problem is just finding the time

Crockpot Chili Verde

Just like I mentioned last night, we are back on track with the healthier recipes. I went from eating pop-tarts (sometimes twice a day) to trying to eat better and it seems like I'm still gaining weight :/ It must be all that Halloween candy that I can't keep my hands off of. I didn't realize that four mini candy bars = one king size candy bar until I talked to my sister about it! Haha. Anyways, now that all the good candy is gone, back on track.  Last night I made this Crockpot Chili Verde recipe from the same NMKidney website that last night's blog was from. You can find the original recipe HERE . When I think of Chili Verde, I think of my Mom's. She made the most delicious Chili Verde - I need to ask for her recipe because that is definitely something that I won't forget! Anyways, with this recipe, we used four pork chop loins (they actually did shred, I wasn't sure but the original recipe called for pork or pork loin chops and the chops worked well) and

Healthy and easy chicken nuggets

If you love chicken and mustard, this recipe is for you. This recipe is beyond easy and I can't say enough how delicious these nuggets were! I like mustard, I don't love mustard, and I still really enjoyed these. We found this recipe on the NWKidney website HERE . We did go to the store and prepared for some healthier recipes this week so I'm looking forward to sharing more recipes this next week.  Also, better than this amazing recipe, my boyfriend and I got engaged! I am SO happy and can't wait to update you guys on wedding and future! Anyways, back to the recipe! I hope you love this super easy recipe! Ingredients: 2 large boneless skinless chicken breasts, cubed 1/2 cup dijon mustard 1 cup panko breadcrumbs Directions: Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Cut chicken into cubes. Put chicken into mustard and then breadcrumbs. Bake for 15 minutes. Dip in BBQ Sauce. Enjoy like I did!