
Unstuffed Beef Egg Roll Stir Fry

Somehow I woke up this morning and I'm at my lowest weight in the past month - and only one pound away from my lowest weight since I started my weight loss journey last June. The only reason I can guess is because I have been forcing myself to eat dinner the past two nights - and both nights have been lighter and healthier options. Once 11pm hits though, my stomach is grumbling but I've been saying NO! I really need to get back to healthy food and a healthy lifestyle. For those who are on a Keto, low-carb journey, I'm sure you have heard of the Unstuffed Beef Egg Roll Stir Fry. This has been one of the most talked about recipe that I have seen. Well, like usual, no matter how much I plan and prepare for recipes, I always end up not having enough of something. The changes we made in this recipe - I didn't have Sesame Oil so I used Olive Oil. Next time I will for sure try with Sesame Oil. I also didn't have Ginger so I used Ground Nutmeg. I think it needs more flavo

Ranch Chicken Tacos in the Crockpot

The last two days I have woken up about an hour and a half before I needed to which is rather different for me but there has been a lot on my mind. Between moving in 30 days, finding out where to move to, applying, packing, homeschooling, and working, life has been nothing short of stressful. We put our 30 day notice in today, we are almost done applying for an apartment in Hesperia, and I still have a full list of things that have to get done. Being in quarantine doesn't help, wearing masks everywhere we go is the new normal.Yesterday was probably the worst for me. I haven't been that stressed out in a very long time. I went out and did some essential errands, went out on the porch several times to get some fresh air, life is definitely changing. Is anyone else feeling it? I'm not pregnant but it feels like it with all of my mood swings and stress lately. And I am one to eat so much food, in case you didn't know, but last night I hardly ate anything. In fact, I made

Keto Turkey and Sausage Meatball Parmesan Casserole

As most of you know - Kevin, Jace and I are moving to the Barstow area next month. Kevin and I went down to Barstow this past Friday through yesterday to see if there is an apartment or area that we like. We did find an apartment in Hesperia (close to Barstow and Victorville) that we will be applying to shortly. Fingers crossed. Since I was down there all weekend, I of course did not make any food. But this week I will be back on schedule with the posts. Unfortunately, my hours at my job declined so starting next Friday I will have Fridays off until the virus situation clears up. I'm thinking Friday may be my "blog day" but we will see. I also only work 4 hours a day instead of 5. Even though I'm working less, I feel like I had way more to get done today. Maybe it's also because we were gone four days so I had a lot to catch up on. I ordered Instacart today and the last two times I have ordered, I have gotten food within 24 hours or less which is really surpri

Deliciously Crispy Baked Taquitos: A Simple and Flavorful Recipe for a Crowd-Pleasing Snack

Is anyone else having a hard time with homeschooling? So starting yesterday they switched everyone to online work instead of packets. It has taken a lot to get used to. Jace has a class meeting at 9:30 every morning and today he pretty much worked on online homework until 3:30. It's good that it keeps him busy but it's so hard to be the one in charge of making sure assignments get turned in, everything gets printed (since he can only do so much online, he has to print assignments, write on them and then re-upload them or write on a notebook and then send it in that way), and if he doesn't understand something, have to be there. On a positive side note, we invested in Disney+ and have watched Onward and part of Mandalorian. Great investment so far! Tonight, after all the craziness, I made these Oven Fried Beef Taquitos . I changed a few things - including eliminating the zucchini. We did not use canola oil (even though the photo shows it). Ingredients: 1 pound beef 3

Delicious and Simple French Toast Recipe

This French Toast recipe from Food Network was the perfect Easter morning breakfast! The link to their recipe can be found HERE . My measurements were a little bit different and I used regular white bread. In place of sugar, I always add monkfruit since it's approved on the Keto diet. Ingredients: 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 2 tbsp monkfruit 4 tbsp butter 4 eggs 1/4 cup milk 1 tsp vanilla 8 slices of white bread 1/2 cup sugar-free syrup Directions: In a small bowl whisk together cinnamon, nutmeg and monkfruit and set aside. In a skillet, melt butter over medium heat. In another skillet or bowl, mix together the cinnamon mixture, eggs, milk and vanilla. Dip bread in egg mixture (both sides) and by now the butter should be melted. Set bread on the buttered skillet for 1-2 minutes, or until golden brown. Flip over for another minute or two. Add to a plate and serve with sugar-free syrup. If you want a Homemade Baked French Toast Recipe, you can fi

Cast-Iron Skillet Nachos

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter yesterday. Things were definitely different being mid Coronavirus. Kevin and I did a mini Easter egg hunt for Jace yesterday. We got him a basket of course and then a few things just from us. I dressed up and watched a few Easter services on TV and we were going to make this extravagant meal of tri-tip, asparagus, sausage, and rice, but our tri-tip was still frozen so we stuck with pizza :) We are cooking the tri-tip tonight. Over the weekend I made these nachos but I didn't have time to write a blog post about them - things have been so busy working and homeschooling Jace and it doesn't seem to slow down. These nachos were basically made off the top of our head - no recipe or anything - and you can add on anything that you want on top of it. First we took the cast-iron skillet and sprayed it with PAM or any type of spray. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. We took some tortilla chips and added them as a layer in the skillet. Se

COVID Homeschool Schedule During Quarantine - 3rd Grade

Homeschooling a 9-year old is tough. Although Jace receives weekly packets to work on, he only works on the packet for 1-2 hours per day so it is definitely not enough to fill up the whole day. I decided to put together a blog of some fun ideas and things that he has been doing during the day while I work from home. I have gathered resources from my email, ideas on social media, and from friends and family. The idea of homeschooling can be overwhelming but this is the perfect time to also make it fun while educational. If you have anything to add, please comment below and let me know your thoughts! Everyday, without fail, I make sure I put together a schedule. Usually I put it together the night before and go over it with Jace so 1. He can have an input on what he wants to do and 2. He knows what to expect. Below are some fun things that we have done together. Jace and I did some of a Lego Challenge. He has so many Legos so every day is a new challenge. Here was our day one: