
Lettuce-Wrapped Smashburgers

Cheeseburgers are always a huge hit at our house, and, since I am focusing on losing weight, I decided to wrap mine in lettuce and have a Lettuce-Wrapped Smashburger. Or you can do what boyfriend did and do a 3-layer Smashburger, whatever is best for you! These were easy to make. We purchased ground beef and seasoned with salt and pepper and rolled them up in a ball, a little bit smaller than a baseball. I cooked one at a time in a cast-iron skillet filled with vegetable oil on medium heat. After 3-4 minutes I used two spatulas to smash into a flatter burger. Push down hard with both, flip and continue until thin. Add cheese, let sit a few minutes and place on a plate. Do this until the ground beef is all used up. Get a piece of lettuce and wrap around the cheeseburger. Add ketchup, pickles, mustard, and any other type of vegetables and sauce you would like. Enjoy! Or do a triple layered cheeseburger like Kevin did. Let me know what route you make

The Best and Easy Deviled Eggs

I know, I know, I should have posted this days ago because this was literally the PERFECT Game Day/Superbowl appetizer. Boyfriend literally said this was one of the best deviled eggs recipe he has tasted - and he ended up eating a whole container of them. This is NOT my recipe, I just wanted to share this since I tried it, followed the recipe, and it turned out PERFECT. This Classic Deviled Eggs Recipe is from the Food Network . Full recipe (with only a few slight adjustments) and my photos are below. Enjoy! Ingredients: 8 eggs 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1 tsp white vinegar 1 tsp yellow mustard 1/8 tsp salt pepper paprika, for garnish Directions: In a huge pot, place eggs in a single layer and cover with enough water that there is 1.5 inches of water above the eggs. Heat on high until water begins to boil, then cover, turn the heat to low, and cook for one minute. Remove from heat and leave covered for 14 minutes. Rinse under cold water for one minute. Crack egg shells and carefull

Garlic Butter + Soy Sauce Steak Bites

I didn't realize how behind I was on food blogging until my Mom asked me yesterday about it. I've been going through some changes and I have been provided with new opportunities that I'm super excited for so unfortunately blogging has been put to the backburner. I have two other blog posts that are pending that may or may not get published today. I think last week was the only week in awhile where I didn't actually cook too much. Between Superbowl, working late, and certain opportunities, seemed like I didn't have much time for cooking. This week I am back on track and even over the weekend I was cooking again. I made these Garlic Butter + Soy Sauce Steak Bites with rice.  The original recipe didn't call  for soy sauce but I honestly thought they were too dry without it. I also added a lot more butter than the original recipe called for HERE . I also used 2 pounds of steak instead of 1. And can I just say that $18 for two pieces of steak was SO expensive. My w

Amazing Keto Pepperoni Pizza Chaffle Recipe - No Sauce Needed!

Do you ever crave chaffles? I typically don't but I really wanted pizza and decided to make a pizza chaffle before the Superbowl (knowing I would be eating super unhealthy food during the game). Most of it was just me experimenting but I did initially look at this recipe HERE to get a main idea of the ingredients. I didn't have pizza sauce and it still turned out so GOOD and still had so much flavor. No need to top with any sauce! Ingredients: 2 eggs 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese 1/4 cup cheddar cheese 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, shredded 1 tsp quinoa flour 1/4 tsp baking powder 1/8 tsp garlic powder 1/8 tsp italian seasoning pinch of salt 10 mini pepperoni slices dash of Oregano Directions: Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Yes....including the pepperoni slices! Pour mixture into a mini waffle maker, after spraying it with PAM, and let sit for 4 minutes. Take out, let sit a few minutes, and enjoy. Super easy and super delicious!

Chicken Parmesan with Pasta + RIP Kobe Bryant

I normally don't do long introductions to a recipe but this one was hard to put together because of my mindset so I wanted to share a few things. Today is a hard day. I was watching the college Pro Bowl about an hour ago and the announcer said that "Cody Bryant" had died. I wasn't going to look it up because I had no idea who Cody Bryant was but something pushed me to do so. I went to the Yahoo homepage and saw multiple articles about Kobe Bryant passing away in a helicopter accident. This could not be real. I started my love and obsession for basketball probably around age 10 or 11. I loved the Jazz and I was living in Utah. I would write and draw on printer paper and post photos around my wall in my room voicing and showing my love for the Utah Jazz. I had friends that were huge Laker fans and we would always be competitive. Until the year 2000. I was on the swim team with my sister and we would come home and there was this show back then called "In the Hou

Baked Ravioli with Two Cheeses

As I create more blogs this week, I realize that I really haven't eaten too healthy. I've been stuck at about an 8 pound weight loss. I did hit 10 pounds and then gained a few back. A healthy lifestyle is still my goal but I'm not perfect. I did go to the gym once this week and also hit more than 10,000 steps yesterday :) I'm on the right path. Now if the most delicious food wasn't unhealthy I would be in a much better space ;) Earlier this week I made this amazing Baked Raviolli with Two Cheeses and oh my gosh you guys! I did not think it would be this good! The original recipe is a Martha Stewart recipe HERE but we made it our own below. I will DEFINITELY be making this again! Huge hit in my household. Ingredients: 2 tbsp canola/vegetable/olive oil 1 tbsp onion powder 1 tbsp garlic powder salt and pepper 1 1/2 tsp oregano 1 can (14oz) whole tomatoes 1 can (28oz) crushed tomatoes 2 pounds store-bought ravioli (any kind) 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella

Easy Slow Cooker Pot Roast with Vegetables

Guys, what a week, am I right?! For it being a short week and for me having a 3-day weekend, it has still been insane. Monday we took Jace to the instacare for his cough that unfortunately got worse overnight. We also found out he had an ear infection so he stayed home with me on Tuesday. Wednesday was a 13 hour day for me plus Kevin's birthday so I tried to make it as special as possible with great ideas from my Facebook friends :) Today was a 5.5 hour day and then I had to go to the hospital for a diagnostic to see if I have sleep apnea (pft with post bronchodilator spirometry). They did some breathing tests which were so hard for me to "pass" at times. They also gave me this medicine to see if my throat would enlarge to see if I have anything wrong. They mixed it with air and I breathed it in. It was so odd but, on the plus side, nothing seems wrong with my lungs or breathing :) Now to just figure out why I woke up twice in the past five months and not being able to