
Seven Days - The Virus

I have been sick for seven days. This would be okay if I actually had energy and didn't want to sleep all day. I missed two days of work, worked-from-home one day, and then got sent home early when I did go into the office. This reminds me of a repeat of last Christmas where I was sick for two weeks. I had a massive ear infection followed by the sore throat and cough. This time it is the sore throat, cough, ears plugging, sinuses, and exhaustion. I went to the Doctor two days ago and he said it sounds like I have a virus that could last 5-14 days and gave me prescription cough medicine. If I don't get better in five days, he said he will prescribe antibiotics. So the last week all I have literally done is eat, sleep, and watch football. Sounds like the life for some I guess. This also means I didn't go out this past weekend - although sometimes watching Football is more fun than going out :) I watched the Utes destroy Oregon, BYU losing, and Broncos will be playing in jus

Losing Weight Challenge and Goals

On Monday August 24, I went to the doctor and she said the scale cannot go up. I have been working hard at losing weight. I weighed in at 153lbs at the doctors office. Mid-October I will be going to New York and for my birthday in December, I will be going to Hawaii. I want to look good and feel good by the time those days come. Below is my own tracking and updates since August 24. This is for my personal motivation and updated every day or every other day. Goal = Workout 3X a week, get off birth control, drink more water than Coke Monday August 25=Went to the gym, had about 1400 calories Wednesday August 26= Did power yoga Thursday August 27=Had over 50oz of water, two and a half coke zeros, went to a concert and did not eat anything there Friday August 28 = Had over 50oz of water, only one and a half coke zeros, about 1700 calories Saturday August 29=145.5lbs, 180+subway sandwich Monday August 31= 147lbs after all meals for the day, had 85oz of water and feeling light

To the couple in front of me at the Luke Bryan concert --

It seemed like I was watching a movie. I had Luke Bryan on stage engaging the crowd with his handsome face, funny personality, and alcoholic shots on-stage. About an hour into his performance, a couple appeared diagnol from me. Seeing as how I like to write and be creative, I completely pictured their story as it unraveled in front of me. She seemed way more into him initially. My guess is they had dated before, weren't now, but after a few drinks, you never would have known. Her arms were around him perfectly as Luke Bryan poured out one love song after another. At one point, they kissed. You could tell it's been awhile since they had kissed. Or there was a lot of tension to make this one more intense than others. I could feel the spark as it happened. After that, you could tell that he was letting his guard down more and was actually more into her. He was paying attention to her. Electronics were nowhere to be found and it was just them. They made out again. So romantic. Th

A Never-Ending Cycle

Every blog I have written seems to have the same message. I like a guy, I drop everything, I put 100% of my effort and time into him.....and then he breaks my heart. Story of my life. I'm not writing this to be pitied or negative. I'm just writing this to be realistic. With the guy in my previous post, once again, spending time with him was amazing. He treated me so good and we laughed ALL the time. At least within a three week time span. Now in this case, he never said he didn't want to see me or he didn't like me, or have a lame reason (such as I don't take long enough to get ready) of why he didn't want to see me. In fact, I truly don't know at this exact moment if he does or does not like me. I hardly saw him last week. In fact, just a few hours, lunch on Saturday, in which he invited me. I never asked him if he wanted to hang out. I had assumed that I wouldn't see him that day because I had the Shania Twain concert and had to leave around 5:30. We s

Positive Vibes and Positive Minds

A lot of positive things have happened in the past few weeks and I really don't know where to start. I have been focusing more on relationships - real life, face to face, relationships. I have been focusing less on being on my phone and computer. I have laughed, loved, and had so much fun. Life is so much better when you build and create long-lasting memories. I have learned that girlfriends - or "wifeys", "W4L"s - whatever you want to call them, are mandatory. There are only three months of summer and I'm striving to enjoy every second. Andrea is one of my best friends. We have been able to build an amazing relationship the past few months - from Snapchats, to dancing, to singing, to crazy stalkers, to laughing, to wifey, to the Lady A/Sam Hunt/Hunter Hayes concert, to Target trips, McDonalds trips, love, and being in the same position in life. She is truly someone that I care about so much. Then there are the men. You know they always say that things,

Back to My Normal Self :)

Well, now that it's been two weeks since all of the drama ended (Kylan and I broke up, his ex-girlfriend messaged me, and finding out Kevin got married), I have been in a much better place. I am back to loving the single life, although I do miss being in a relationship. I miss having someone there to snuggle and watch movies with. But I absolutely love dancing. I love Gracie's. I love going out on weekends with my girlfriends and I love that I have been able to build great relationships with women. Usually I don't get along with ladies and would rather hang out with guys. But guys are dumb :) A few weeks ago I met this guy at Gracie's, man bun, super cute, and we messaged for awhile. This past weekend, met up with a few friends....and this upcoming weekend...Park City with my ladies! I will admit that I do think about being in a relationship all.the.time. but I am so used to being in one and I love being in one. I'm trying so hard to be patient, just wait, and rig

I thought I was a Failure Until I Realized......

I'm just human. I have flaws. I try to keep my house clean but it isn't always clean. Same with my car. I don't take a lot of time to get ready in the morning but I still try to look, feel, and smell good. I sometimes speak my mind or say things I don't mean. But I'm only human. I fully understand now why people wait so long to get into a relationship. Or even a new relationship. I understand why time is so important. Two break-ups in less than a year is something I do not ever want to face again. I honestly am at the point where I don't trust anyone enough to date them. I literally told my cousin tonight I wanted to buy a one way ticket to California with no intention of coming back home. The reasoning was so that I wouldn't have to face life. Or face reality. Basically live a dream with no money and not sure where life would take me. A few hours later and I'm stepping back. Realizing that, yes, I do want to move, I do want to start over, I do want a