
Showing posts with the label workout

Because I'm Happy

Friday: Tonight I feel like a blog post. Just because. Life has been so incredibly busy yet so good. Time has been spent on myself lately. I have gone to the gym the last four out of five days, took my niece to the Jazz game last night and finally get a night to just do whatever I want. And it feels amazing. It's the weekend, I'm not on-call, I went and worked out, showered, and here I am watching the Kardashians in my sweats. Amazing. Sunday: I sometimes enjoy 3.5-day weekends. Especially since they don't happen that often. I also spent this weekend at the Jazz game with Jared. I met him two weeks ago at Liquid Joe's and I have to say, things have been good. I was thinking way too in-depth about how the game would go, things I would say, things that would happen, yet everything seemed to have happened better than I expected. The movie that we watched after was Inside Out which was the cutest* movie ever :) Today consisted of working out (I'm on a serious roll h

Losing Weight Goals - January 2016

On Monday August 24, 2015, I went to the doctor and she said the scale cannot go up. I have been working hard at losing weight. I weighed in at 153lbs at the doctors office. After that, there were two reasons why I wanted to lose weight. One was obviously for my health and the other was because I was going to Hawaii over my birthday a month ago. I ended up not going to Hawaii because of how sick I was, but health has still been my focus and goal. Below is my weight information and the changes. As of today, January 3, I weigh 144 pounds. My scale and the doctors scale is about three pounds apart. My goal this year is to be down to 130. I know I can do it and I have done it before. Being vulnerable and opening up about my weight is the only realistic way that I can lose weight. The most I weighed last year was 155 pounds. January 2 = 145 pounds, 1513 calories, burned 377 calories at the gym + dancing January 3 = 144 pounds, 1600 calories January 4= 144 pounds, 1760 calories Janu

Losing Weight Challenge and Goals

On Monday August 24, I went to the doctor and she said the scale cannot go up. I have been working hard at losing weight. I weighed in at 153lbs at the doctors office. Mid-October I will be going to New York and for my birthday in December, I will be going to Hawaii. I want to look good and feel good by the time those days come. Below is my own tracking and updates since August 24. This is for my personal motivation and updated every day or every other day. Goal = Workout 3X a week, get off birth control, drink more water than Coke Monday August 25=Went to the gym, had about 1400 calories Wednesday August 26= Did power yoga Thursday August 27=Had over 50oz of water, two and a half coke zeros, went to a concert and did not eat anything there Friday August 28 = Had over 50oz of water, only one and a half coke zeros, about 1700 calories Saturday August 29=145.5lbs, 180+subway sandwich Monday August 31= 147lbs after all meals for the day, had 85oz of water and feeling light