
Showing posts with the label work

Because I'm Happy

Friday: Tonight I feel like a blog post. Just because. Life has been so incredibly busy yet so good. Time has been spent on myself lately. I have gone to the gym the last four out of five days, took my niece to the Jazz game last night and finally get a night to just do whatever I want. And it feels amazing. It's the weekend, I'm not on-call, I went and worked out, showered, and here I am watching the Kardashians in my sweats. Amazing. Sunday: I sometimes enjoy 3.5-day weekends. Especially since they don't happen that often. I also spent this weekend at the Jazz game with Jared. I met him two weeks ago at Liquid Joe's and I have to say, things have been good. I was thinking way too in-depth about how the game would go, things I would say, things that would happen, yet everything seemed to have happened better than I expected. The movie that we watched after was Inside Out which was the cutest* movie ever :) Today consisted of working out (I'm on a serious roll h

Happy Birthday to Me

Ten days ago I turned 30. I guess my birthday could have somehow been worse but let's just say that my amazing plans to spend my 30th in Paradise with Ryan who I hadn't seen in ten years....didn't happen. A day and a half before my flight I had the worst sore throat which led to a cough which is basically what I had right before New York. I knew right when it started that I would not be going to Hawaii. I knew it would knock me out. And sure enough I was at the doctor on my birthday. I should have been in Hawaii but I was so miserable. I worked until 3pm Monday and then stayed home for a few days. I moved my flight from Wednesday to Friday - trying to purposely force myself to get better - but unfortunately that is not how sickness works. So I decided to completely cancel my trip. Ugh. My 30th birthday was spent at home, on my couch, trying to sleep. Went to the doctors in the afternoon and they gave me an antibiotic. The sore throat went away after a few days and then I go

Dreams 2015-2018

In November 2015, I had a dream that Andrea and I went to a Dierks Bentley concert. Normally we aren't allowed backstage but when we got there (It was actually at Lagoon), we decided to see how far we could go without getting caught. We noticed there was a wedding going on backstage and, as we went in, could see the name of the Mr. and Mrs. on the door. There weren't any security cards so we went backstage without being caught. Except the ceremony was facing the entrance so we walked right in the ceremony. I was completely surprised that no one threw us out at that moment. We danced with a few guys during the reception while Dierks played live music. Next thing I know, everyone is sitting down and a security guard is going through every person and making sure they belonged there. Everyone was wearing a backstage lanyard but Andrea and I. I was sitting next to this guy I had been dancing with and Andrea was on the back row. The security guard asked me, "How do you know the