
Showing posts with the label what do my dreams mean

Exploring the Dreams of 2020: A Year of Vivid Nighttime Journeys and Subconscious Reflections

1/1 I had a dream that I was in Morocco and people were in the rivers and the water was so clear and amazing. I was only there for just a few minutes and I went right back into the U.S. without having to deal with the flights. It was an odd dream. 1/12 I had a weird dream like I was given drugs because my whole dream was like I was high or drugged. Justin Risinger and Justin Thompson were both in my dream which makes even stranger. I remember going to Justin R. and he handed me this croissant and then I went into this building. I also remember playing one slot machine and then my mom saying that she was going to give me a bunch of change for my birthday so I could use it in the slot machine. I don't know how much I started with but I know I had $350 in the machine and told whoever I was with that I was "getting low" or "running out." 1/30  I had a dream that it was my birthday and Alexis and I went downtown (don't know what city). We sat next to these tw