
Showing posts with the label utah grizzlies

A letter to the NFL

It's 2017 which is an era of online opinions, disrespect, do-what-you-want-when-you-want-how-you-want, spoiled rich kids, bullying, online bullying, suicide, hiding behind a computer screen, extreme violence, lack of trust in our surroundings, riots, racism, lack of trust in professionals, and that's just the beginning. As a Millennial, I am thoroughly embarrassed by the NFL. As a Millennial, I automatically get judged as one of the "disrespectful, do-what-you-want-when-you-want-how-you-want spoiled rich kids." I am educated, wrote a book, open to diversity and opinions,but I have never understood kneeling during the national anthem. I get irritated internally when people talk during the national anthem, are on their phones during the national anthem, or don't take their hats off during the national anthem. I have been to many games - college football, high school football, NFL, NBA, college basketball, hockey games, and right now, I am embarrassed. Let me bac

Abbie's Life: A Monthly Update

I realize it's been about a month and a half since my last blog. There is a reason for that. I usually write when I'm angry, upset, frustrated, or in some sort of dramatic mood. Things have been nice lately. Nice, peaceful, relaxing, busy, and not dramatic. Maybe that's what happens when you don't have high hopes for your dating life. I can't say I have given up on dating because I have gone on some dates. I think I'm just giving up on the idea that every person that I like wants to be with me. I'm also very much focused on myself, my book, and my cupcake business. I have had more cupcake orders so far in 2016 than I did all last year (I swear!) and I'm actually making a profit. In fact, here is some of the work I have done this year alone: It's funny to look back to 2012-2013 and see the major improvements. If you like what you see, you can always visit my Facebook page: . I have also been focu

Wow What Happened?

Yesterday I was in the biggest funk. I haven't been this sad/emotional/depressed in a long time. I have been on this emotional roller coaster the past six months and I am sure that if you know me, you know what I mean. One day I enjoy being single, the next I hate it. I was looking forward all last week to seeing the UK boys, and we did, just not mine. Don't get me wrong, Gracies was SO fun like always, until 2am when drama happened and I was just sad that I never saw "Robin Thicke". All yesterday my serious thoughts were....I'm not cute, I'm not skinny, no one likes me, I'm not funny. And those words kept repeating themselves over and over. I really don't know why I got to that point. Maybe I'm sick of men who just want one thing or maybe I'm just missing my UK fling. I at least wanted to say bye but I know I'll get over it. They left to go back to the UK on Saturday. Saturday morning, I got home at 4am. That same day I saw a picture of

The Life of a Single Woman - Happiest I have been

The last two weeks have been the BEST two weeks of my single life. It's been six months since Kevin and I broke up and I am at my happiest. Two weeks ago, Angie and I went to the Grizzlies hockey game. I don't think I have ever been to a hockey game before but it was SO fun and way more intense than Jazz games. After, we decided to try Gracie's Sports Bar. I didn't expect to be there until 1:30/2:00am. I feel like my 20 year old self is coming out. We just danced the whole night and met this group of UK Military men. We hit it off with them right away. They are here for 3 weeks (They live in the UK) and there phones don't work here so we honestly had no idea if we would see them again. Friday night we went to the Grizzlies game again and decided to go to Gracies after. Guess who we see? The UK men! Oh my gosh, my night had been made. I was so happy. There was one in particular that we just clicked and I was so beyond excited to see him again. We hung out with them