
Showing posts with the label things that an 8 year old says

Jace-isms - Wisdom from my son from ages 8-13

Some people take their kids quotes and put them on Twitter. Instead, I chose to put mine in a blog post. Enjoy!  *Playing his PS4, "3,2,1, JOHN CENA!" --8 year old Jace *"Jace, when your dad gets home, he can help you with your Sega Genesis" --Me "Oh yeah, you only worked at Domino's so you don't know how to use the Sega Genesis"--Jace "Can fish cry?" --Jace "Did Jesus like tattoos?" --Jace "What's your credit score?" --Jace to me "That's why daddy wears his shirt when he goes swimming....he doesn't want you to see his nipples, or his belly button" -- Jace to me "You can't get married if you have braces" --Jace "I wish I was President and would have a gold chain that said JHizzle10 and then I would make it rain" --Jace, age 8 "I know why we don't go to school on's King Arthur's birthday" (He meant Martin Luther King) --