
Showing posts with the label thin cheeseburger

Lettuce-Wrapped Smashburgers

Cheeseburgers are always a huge hit at our house, and, since I am focusing on losing weight, I decided to wrap mine in lettuce and have a Lettuce-Wrapped Smashburger. Or you can do what boyfriend did and do a 3-layer Smashburger, whatever is best for you! These were easy to make. We purchased ground beef and seasoned with salt and pepper and rolled them up in a ball, a little bit smaller than a baseball. I cooked one at a time in a cast-iron skillet filled with vegetable oil on medium heat. After 3-4 minutes I used two spatulas to smash into a flatter burger. Push down hard with both, flip and continue until thin. Add cheese, let sit a few minutes and place on a plate. Do this until the ground beef is all used up. Get a piece of lettuce and wrap around the cheeseburger. Add ketchup, pickles, mustard, and any other type of vegetables and sauce you would like. Enjoy! Or do a triple layered cheeseburger like Kevin did. Let me know what route you make