
Showing posts with the label the best homemade mac and cheese

Creamy Baked Macaroni and Cheese

This recipe blog post was created for my fellow carb lovers. As most of you know, on June 28th of this year, I decided I wanted to change my life and my diet and started to eat healthier. As of today, I am at my lowest weight since the end of June and I'm down 7.3 pounds! If you look at my recipe blogs from last year or even before June, it was recipes full of carbs and deliciousness! Since then, I've only maybe a handful of recipe blogs that aren't healthy. This being one of them. I did know ahead of time that I was making this so I did try and balance it out by going to the gym before cooking. It seemed to work because I'm still losing weight. Life is about balance, right? I also have to realize at times that my boyfriend and son aren't on the same diet I am although they do love what I cook. I'm sure it's nice for them to get some comfort food sometimes :) Do you ever find yourself making unhealthy food choices just because you don't want to go to