
Showing posts with the label sweetheart

For the first time in awhile, I feel so happy.....

Thursday, March 10, 2016 : For the first time in awhile, I feel so happy. So free. So outgoing. So positive. I don't know if it's because I'm FINALLY feeling better after being sick for 10 days (literally going to work and then coming home and going to bed every day), the weather is so much warmer and it's putting me in a better mood, I have been working out again, OR I feel free from not having to question every day whether or not I was in a relationship or exclusive. I never realized a burden that could have on me. I was exclusively dating someone and then over time, we just realized that a relationship is not what is right at this time. I cried for a day or two but ever since then, I think I have realized that it's just me now. How am I going to make the most of my life? I am not asking for a pity party but I am used to being heartbroken. Something always happens and usually it's the other person that says they don't want to be together for whatever reaso

Embracing Single Life: What 'I'm Doing Me' Really Means in Dating and Self-Discovery

What does it mean when someone says, "Do You", "Spend Time on You", "I'm Doing Me", I have always wondered that because after four months of being single, I am getting that more from people. To focus on me and do what I want to do and then someone might come along. But how do I know when I'm done "doing me?" if it's such an activity. What if I'm not done "doing me" and someone walks into my life? Do I stop doing that to focus on him? If so, how do I know he is even "the one" anyway? In case you can't tell, I over analyze. A lot. One day I want to be single and date other people and the next, missing having someone there. Actually, every day, without fail, I do think of having someone there, being in a relationship, someone to call, someone to message every day, someone to cuddle with, someone to watch games with. So if this is my mindset, is it still okay to focus on me, yet in the back of my mind be thi

The Adventures of Dating - Part 1

I can say that after eight weeks and four days, I am officially okay with dating and officially okay with being single. Although I do wish for a magic genie  (or God, either one)  to just provide me with my husband and I don't have to go through dating but such is life. There is one thing I do not understand. I have been told over and over that if I don't like somebody or if I don't see it going anywhere, tell them I'm not interested in the nicest way possible. I don't like telling people I'm not interested because I feel that that in itself is mean. But, I have had to do it twice and both times, I was called an "asshole" and the other said, "F*** you." It's like, if I'm honest (and not even rude), I get in trouble. But then if I don't tell them, then I'm "leading them on" which eventually leads to the same ending. So with the latter one, I was messaging him on Facebook today. Let me reword that. He messaged me ove