
Showing posts with the label suffering

The Four Agreements

Photo credit: Amazon Back in 2012-2013 when I had the worst anxiety of my life, I asked the online world on what I could or should do to help eliminate this anxious and worrisome phase. One person recommended that I read "The Four Agreements". Due to the anxiety and not being able to concentrate on one thing for too long before freaking out, I only read through a few pages. In 2018 I decided to buy the book again and see if there was a way I could make things better for myself. I had moved to California the previous year but lost my job almost two months ago. I had time to read so I decided to see what this book was about and how it could help me maintain my confidence throughout this hard time. This book was extremely powerful to me. I'm not sure why but I got sucked in. I could not put the book down. I like seeing others perspectives on life. Before going into the four agreements, the author spends quite a bit discussing how we are all born and raised believing