
Showing posts with the label slow cooker chicken recipe

Ranch Chicken Tacos in the Crockpot

The last two days I have woken up about an hour and a half before I needed to which is rather different for me but there has been a lot on my mind. Between moving in 30 days, finding out where to move to, applying, packing, homeschooling, and working, life has been nothing short of stressful. We put our 30 day notice in today, we are almost done applying for an apartment in Hesperia, and I still have a full list of things that have to get done. Being in quarantine doesn't help, wearing masks everywhere we go is the new normal.Yesterday was probably the worst for me. I haven't been that stressed out in a very long time. I went out and did some essential errands, went out on the porch several times to get some fresh air, life is definitely changing. Is anyone else feeling it? I'm not pregnant but it feels like it with all of my mood swings and stress lately. And I am one to eat so much food, in case you didn't know, but last night I hardly ate anything. In fact, I made