
Showing posts with the label skillet chicken parmesan

Chicken Parmesan with Pasta in the Cast-Iron Skillet

I haven't been feeling too well the past few days but still managed to make dinner tonight (last night we did Taco Bell - I know, so much for a diet! But I still am almost at my lowest weight since June 28th so a little taco didn't hurt). Tonight we had Chicken Parmesan with Pasta in the Cast-Iron Skillet. The original recipe was found HERE and our own version is below. There are three appliances that I LOVE and I know I have mentioned this before - my crockpot, my cast-iron skillet and my air fryer! Such is life as an adult, right?! Anyways, this recipe wasn't super hard and not at all time consuming. It took me maybe 30 minutes to make this. I would say difficulty level was Medium. It required more steps but not a lot of time. I will definitely be making this again. I especially love the pasta! We only had macaroni shells and it worked perfectly. I cooked it to tender and just added Parmesan cheese, vegetable oil, and pepper. I laid the chicken on top of it. Deliciou