
Showing posts with the label salt lake

Seven Days - The Virus

I have been sick for seven days. This would be okay if I actually had energy and didn't want to sleep all day. I missed two days of work, worked-from-home one day, and then got sent home early when I did go into the office. This reminds me of a repeat of last Christmas where I was sick for two weeks. I had a massive ear infection followed by the sore throat and cough. This time it is the sore throat, cough, ears plugging, sinuses, and exhaustion. I went to the Doctor two days ago and he said it sounds like I have a virus that could last 5-14 days and gave me prescription cough medicine. If I don't get better in five days, he said he will prescribe antibiotics. So the last week all I have literally done is eat, sleep, and watch football. Sounds like the life for some I guess. This also means I didn't go out this past weekend - although sometimes watching Football is more fun than going out :) I watched the Utes destroy Oregon, BYU losing, and Broncos will be playing in jus

To the couple in front of me at the Luke Bryan concert --

It seemed like I was watching a movie. I had Luke Bryan on stage engaging the crowd with his handsome face, funny personality, and alcoholic shots on-stage. About an hour into his performance, a couple appeared diagnol from me. Seeing as how I like to write and be creative, I completely pictured their story as it unraveled in front of me. She seemed way more into him initially. My guess is they had dated before, weren't now, but after a few drinks, you never would have known. Her arms were around him perfectly as Luke Bryan poured out one love song after another. At one point, they kissed. You could tell it's been awhile since they had kissed. Or there was a lot of tension to make this one more intense than others. I could feel the spark as it happened. After that, you could tell that he was letting his guard down more and was actually more into her. He was paying attention to her. Electronics were nowhere to be found and it was just them. They made out again. So romantic. Th

Back to My Normal Self :)

Well, now that it's been two weeks since all of the drama ended (Kylan and I broke up, his ex-girlfriend messaged me, and finding out Kevin got married), I have been in a much better place. I am back to loving the single life, although I do miss being in a relationship. I miss having someone there to snuggle and watch movies with. But I absolutely love dancing. I love Gracie's. I love going out on weekends with my girlfriends and I love that I have been able to build great relationships with women. Usually I don't get along with ladies and would rather hang out with guys. But guys are dumb :) A few weeks ago I met this guy at Gracie's, man bun, super cute, and we messaged for awhile. This past weekend, met up with a few friends....and this upcoming weekend...Park City with my ladies! I will admit that I do think about being in a relationship all.the.time. but I am so used to being in one and I love being in one. I'm trying so hard to be patient, just wait, and rig

The Life of a Single Woman - Happiest I have been

The last two weeks have been the BEST two weeks of my single life. It's been six months since Kevin and I broke up and I am at my happiest. Two weeks ago, Angie and I went to the Grizzlies hockey game. I don't think I have ever been to a hockey game before but it was SO fun and way more intense than Jazz games. After, we decided to try Gracie's Sports Bar. I didn't expect to be there until 1:30/2:00am. I feel like my 20 year old self is coming out. We just danced the whole night and met this group of UK Military men. We hit it off with them right away. They are here for 3 weeks (They live in the UK) and there phones don't work here so we honestly had no idea if we would see them again. Friday night we went to the Grizzlies game again and decided to go to Gracies after. Guess who we see? The UK men! Oh my gosh, my night had been made. I was so happy. There was one in particular that we just clicked and I was so beyond excited to see him again. We hung out with them