
Showing posts with the label recipes

100,000 Views Giveaway! 🎉🎉

**Update: Congratulations to the winner - Ashley Sammons! **Update: I am extending out this contest through December 6th, 2019. Winner will be drawn and announced on December 7th, 2019. I have been slacking hardcore with this blog but I promised once I hit 100,000 followers, I will be running a giveaway. When I started this blog in 2014, I had no idea that it would be a huge hit. My blog initially was about my life, my "love" life, or lack of love life, poems, the single life, and I really created it as a way to vent. Little did I know that 4 years later, I would create my first Recipe blog post ( HERE ) and have 64,599 views on one post! That's really when my blog took off. Of course, I still throw in a review, a personal blog, or a freebie post now and then but it's mainly been recipes the past year. I do want to say Thank you! Thank you for caring so much about my life (although I don't find my life THAT interesting), thank you for reading my recipes