
Showing posts with the label publisher

New Year - New Me

OK, so the blog title may be a little deceiving because I literally have not spent time thinking about my new years goals or resolutions. Usually I have a whole list ready to go before the New Year and it's nice to see what I have checked off and completed. Below were my 2014, 2015 goals, and now my 2016 goals that I'm going to make up as I go. In 2014, I did not accomplish any of my goals. In 2015, I did publish my first book on April 1. It's funny that my goal in 2015 included "Be cautious of my gambling habits" because I was literally in Wendover last night ringing in the New Year! And - for the record - I only lost $130 (would have been less but I still have a $13 Montego Bay ticket that I forgot to cash out :/ ). The last time I went to Wendover (Thanksgiving Day), I came home up $1,100 and when I went to Vegas a few weeks ago, I lost $500. Overall, the past few months, I have been up altogether :). New Years Eve was one of the best I had! I got off work at 3

Heaven's Hero: A True Story

I am so excited to announce that my book, Heaven's Hero: A True Story, is now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble! Plus, you can also purchase it though Lulu's website - the publisher. All of the links are below. Heaven's Hero: A True Story is about my Dad who passed away in the 2003 LifeFlight helicopter accident here in Utah. Being the oldest, I decided to write a book more for my little brother and sister who don't remember much about my Dad. I hope you enjoy the book. It has taken over ten years to put everything together so there has been a lot of time put into it. Please let me know your thoughts and I love reviews! I have also attached the YouTube video below that explains the whole story from those who were there when it happened. Enjoy! Barnes & Noble Paperback: Barnes & Noble Nook: Amazon Kindle Edition: Amazon Paperback: Lulu Paperback: http://ww