
Showing posts with the label my dreams

Dream Blog 2024

This blog was created for a look back on my dreams, my actual dreams. I have been keeping track of my dreams since 2015 and remember a lot of them. Here is a list of past dreams: Dreams 2015-2018 Dreams 2019 Dreams 2020 Dreams 2021 Dreams 2022 and 2023 Below are my dreams in 2024: January 14 I had a dream that Kevin and I went to this bar/club and I think it was New Year's. We were sitting at a table and this guy gets up, clearly drunk, and says "I'm out" and we were hoping he meant that he was going out of the room, not actually driving. Well, lo and behind, I actually found his keys a little bit later on and was trying to figure out who to give them to. I decided on giving them to the front desk person, and not actually him. The next day I received a text from the guy (not sure how he got my number) and he had taken maybe 4 photos of me the night before so he sent those to me. I then went to the car to show Kevin and he had just put away a bottle of alcohol. I told

Dreams I had 2021

For the last five years I have written down my dreams because I remember a lot of them and clearly. I think that dreams have meanings to them although I don't necessarily know what. Below is a list of the past few years worth of dreams as well as the dreams I have had in 2021: Dreams 2015-2018 Dreams 2019 Dreams 2020 January 9, 2021:  I am currently out of work and there was this job that opened up to just do some cleaning in my dream and I thought it would be better than nothing. I applied and went to the house and it was a huge house. There was one daughter who put the ad together. She was probably close to my age. She had like Pine Sol and a towel and I told her my mom used pine sol when I was younger but didn't know specifically what to use it on. She showed me these cabinets and drawers that needed it but they were so high up that I would have needed a ladder. That's how huge this house was. Before I could do that though I had done something else in the house or maybe

Exploring the Dreams of 2020: A Year of Vivid Nighttime Journeys and Subconscious Reflections

1/1 I had a dream that I was in Morocco and people were in the rivers and the water was so clear and amazing. I was only there for just a few minutes and I went right back into the U.S. without having to deal with the flights. It was an odd dream. 1/12 I had a weird dream like I was given drugs because my whole dream was like I was high or drugged. Justin Risinger and Justin Thompson were both in my dream which makes even stranger. I remember going to Justin R. and he handed me this croissant and then I went into this building. I also remember playing one slot machine and then my mom saying that she was going to give me a bunch of change for my birthday so I could use it in the slot machine. I don't know how much I started with but I know I had $350 in the machine and told whoever I was with that I was "getting low" or "running out." 1/30  I had a dream that it was my birthday and Alexis and I went downtown (don't know what city). We sat next to these tw