
Showing posts with the label keto recipes

Fully Loaded Burger Bowls

Have you guys heard of Fully Loaded Burger Bowls? I hadn't until just a few days ago. And seeing as how I am trying to eat healthier (mainly focused on dinner meals), this was perfect. Instead of building a hamburger using a bun that is made of carbs, you turn the meat into a bowl and put your fixings inside the bowl. I thought it was an interesting - but delicious - concept. Since there were only two of us eating, I made smaller portions. I also didn't add mushrooms and used less bacon since we only made three bowls. If you make these, let me know your thoughts! I also plan on making some recipes next week. Here is what I have so far: Crack Chicken Navajo Tacos and Brownies (for "Cinco de Mario" - my Dad's birthday) Three Cheese Baked Mac Spaghetti Beef Roast, Mashed Potatoes, and Asparagus Stay tuned for more recipes. The original recipe for the Fully Loaded Burger Bowls can be found HERE . Ingredients: 1.5 pounds ground beef 2.5 tsp seasoned salt

Unstuffed Beef Egg Roll Stir Fry

Somehow I woke up this morning and I'm at my lowest weight in the past month - and only one pound away from my lowest weight since I started my weight loss journey last June. The only reason I can guess is because I have been forcing myself to eat dinner the past two nights - and both nights have been lighter and healthier options. Once 11pm hits though, my stomach is grumbling but I've been saying NO! I really need to get back to healthy food and a healthy lifestyle. For those who are on a Keto, low-carb journey, I'm sure you have heard of the Unstuffed Beef Egg Roll Stir Fry. This has been one of the most talked about recipe that I have seen. Well, like usual, no matter how much I plan and prepare for recipes, I always end up not having enough of something. The changes we made in this recipe - I didn't have Sesame Oil so I used Olive Oil. Next time I will for sure try with Sesame Oil. I also didn't have Ginger so I used Ground Nutmeg. I think it needs more flavo

Keto Lasagna Bake in the Cast-Iron Skillet

These past few weeks I've been so focused on purchasing Christmas gifts and building that blog as well as the 100,000 Views Giveaway that I've been accidentally putting my recipes on the back burner. I'm still adjusting to this new schedule of working five hours per day, helping Jace with homework, cooking every night and trying to get used to a new routine. I like this routine one better than my last. Anyway, last night we had this Keto Lasagna Bake. Yes, I did eat a piece of toast with it but the lasagna didn't have any noodles so that was my "no carbs" part ;) Originally I found a recipe with Zoodles and I am not in any way shape or form interested in trying those. I bought them pre-spiraled once. I never ate them. So we decided to choose a recipe with zero noodles but tasted just like lasagna. We made ours in a cast-iron skillet (which I love by the way!). The original recipe can be found here: We

Lettuce-Wrapped Cheeseburgers in Cast-Iron Skillet

Today is Wednesday and as of Monday, I am down 2.4 pounds in two days. If you have been following my blog, you probably know that my boyfriend and I love food. I love to cook. I love bacon. I love cheese. But I have also been gaining weight. SO my boyfriend and I decided we want to change up the way we eat. Yesterday I made these "Iceburgers" which are the cheeseburgers with lettuce instead of hamburger buns. There was also a little bit of ranch dressing. It was like we still had a delicious meal without the carbs. The original recipe was from Delish and our version is below. It turned out REALLY good, especially if you love cheeseburgers, bacon, and everything that goes with that! Ingredients: 1 head of iceberg lettuce 4 slices of bacon 1 tablespoon onion powder 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1 tablespoon italian seasoning 1 pound ground beef Salt Pepper 5 slices of cheese 1 tomato 5 tablespoons ranch dressing Directions: Slice 5 large rounds from th