
Showing posts with the label keto lasagna bake

Keto Lasagna Bake in the Cast-Iron Skillet

These past few weeks I've been so focused on purchasing Christmas gifts and building that blog as well as the 100,000 Views Giveaway that I've been accidentally putting my recipes on the back burner. I'm still adjusting to this new schedule of working five hours per day, helping Jace with homework, cooking every night and trying to get used to a new routine. I like this routine one better than my last. Anyway, last night we had this Keto Lasagna Bake. Yes, I did eat a piece of toast with it but the lasagna didn't have any noodles so that was my "no carbs" part ;) Originally I found a recipe with Zoodles and I am not in any way shape or form interested in trying those. I bought them pre-spiraled once. I never ate them. So we decided to choose a recipe with zero noodles but tasted just like lasagna. We made ours in a cast-iron skillet (which I love by the way!). The original recipe can be found here: We