
Showing posts with the label homemade empanadas

Beef Empanadas with Homemade Dough

Happy Saturday! I was supposed to be in Arizona right now enjoying the heat, pool and family, but I am on week 4 of my cough (I had COVID for two weeks and a cough almost the entire time) so I decided to stay home for a few days while Kevin and Jace went. Let me tell you, it is SO weird having the house to myself for even a day. I don't know if I like it or not. Since they are gone, I decided to catch up on a blog post (and putting housework on hold ðŸ¤ª) I'll admit, I have not been eating the healthiest and, although I should have stayed home and rested, I did promise Jace the fair and between appointments, and me not wanting to cook, I've gained more weight the past 4 weeks than I would like to admit.  Before Kevin and Jace left, Jace help me make this somewhat healthy empanada dinner with homemade dough - which is made of cheese. I used 90/10 ground beef as a healthier option and then three different cheeses since we are running out of food quickly in our house. The full r