
Showing posts with the label hibachi air fryer

Air Fryer Chicken Hibachi

It's been awhile since I have blogged, and quite honestly, I have been experiencing hardcore burnout. I have attended a burnout webinar and workshop through my work without even being aware that I was experiencing it. I have already looked into a housecleaner, scheduled some family time and trying to do some things that my therapist recommended :)  One of the things I won't stop doing and absolutely love is cooking. Although, at times, it can be stressful, I do love making delicious food for my family. Last night was no different. Have you ever made Chicken Hibachi in the Air Fryer? It is amazing! The original recipe can be found HERE . We used garlic powder instead of garlic and everything else we kept the same! Ingredients for the chicken: 2 medium chicken breast, cubed 1 cup Zucchini 1 cup Squash 1/4 cup Carrots Ingredients for the sauce: 4 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tbsp rice vinegar 1 tbsp garlic powder 1/2 tsp ground ginger 2 tbsp brown sugar, organic Instructions