
Showing posts with the label healthy herb breaded chicken

Herb Breaded Chicken

I'm trying to be on top of my blogs and since my Broncos don't play until 5:20pm this evening, I figured I could squeeze in a blog or two today ;)  The other day we made this AMAZING Herb Breaded Chicken and, of course, the recipe is from NW Kidney and can be found HERE . I have a blender but I went to the local market and they actually had a chopper that chopped everything and, since we are making homemade breadcrumbs in this recipe, I definitely purchased it. I would highly recommend getting one as it makes it SO easy to blend. This recipe itself is super super easy to make and OH MY WORD it's amazingly delicious. Like I always say, I'm super picky when it comes to chicken breast recipes and this one is wonderful. I followed this one pretty much to a "T" as the recipe. We added BBQ sauce on the side and feel free to add any other sides!  Ingredients: 1/4 tsp basil 1/4 tsp thyme 1/4 tsp oregano 1/4 tsp tarragon 1/4 tsp paprika powder 1/4 tsp pepper 2 slices w