
Showing posts with the label healthy Ground Beef Enchiladas

Healthier Ground Beef Enchiladas

I just sat down for the first time today to actually relax. And it's 4pm on a Saturday. Yesterday was my birthday (yay for 36!) so my fiance and I went down south and stayed at a hotel. We had a nice time. I drove home two hours today and then finished up putting resin on some tumblers, I went to the market so I can make more recipes for you guys, wrapped presents for my son because his birthday is next Friday, and then worked for a few minutes. I also received some Amazon orders because, you know, Christmas is in a few weeks, so I went through those as well. Whew, ready for a break. I am so behind on blogs and I am pretty sure I say that in all of my blog posts. I actually have a blog post that I'll be making next about discounts and deals you can receive from companies during your birthday. And my birthday was yesterday so that tells you how behind I am on blogs :/  So I think I made this recipe last week, or maybe the week before and it's for Ground Beef Enchiladas. Kevi