
Showing posts with the label guys

Thanksgiving Reflections: Embracing the Journey of Dating and Letting Relationships Flow Naturally

Thanksgiving is a day to analyze your life, the blessings, the amazing people in your life, your health, food, etc. and although I am grateful for all of that, I also see it as a day to analyze my life and where I want to be. Everyday must be Thanksgiving if that's the case :) Yes, this is another blog about the men in my life. And love. And everything I want and need in my life. One of my weaknesses, I would say, is that I do want to find someone to date/marry and sometimes that comes across as desperate/needy/going way too fast. I literally am just realizing this now. Once I hang out with someone, build that connection, and things are good, instead of just "going with the flow", I try and pry and see how the other person feels and where the other persons head is at. Turning 30 next week, I'm realizing the older I get, the more I realize I don't want to waste time. I will not date or hang out or talk to someone on a consistent basis if I don't see things go

A Never-Ending Cycle

Every blog I have written seems to have the same message. I like a guy, I drop everything, I put 100% of my effort and time into him.....and then he breaks my heart. Story of my life. I'm not writing this to be pitied or negative. I'm just writing this to be realistic. With the guy in my previous post, once again, spending time with him was amazing. He treated me so good and we laughed ALL the time. At least within a three week time span. Now in this case, he never said he didn't want to see me or he didn't like me, or have a lame reason (such as I don't take long enough to get ready) of why he didn't want to see me. In fact, I truly don't know at this exact moment if he does or does not like me. I hardly saw him last week. In fact, just a few hours, lunch on Saturday, in which he invited me. I never asked him if he wanted to hang out. I had assumed that I wouldn't see him that day because I had the Shania Twain concert and had to leave around 5:30. We s