
Showing posts with the label goals

I'm a total Stress Ball

Have you ever felt like you have done everything that you can - without lowering your standards, values, or goals - but nothing seems to go your way? Blogging and writing are my therapy so, if you are reading this, brace yourselves. This may be repetitive as I have mentioned over and over how tough it has been living out here in California. I moved here 18 months ago on hopes, dreams, $25,000, no debt (except my never-ending student loan) and dreams of winning the lottery (that doesn't seem to be a joke anymore). The year of 2018, I have been hoping for getting that "big break" with a job. See, I am the type that always strives for more, works hard, sets goals, and focuses on what I want and reaches for it. When I see a Social Media Manager job position here in Central California with a pay range of $11/hour (no joke! I have a screenshot if you don't believe me!) it makes me re-think my strategy and plan in life. This plan and future worked for me in Utah and I had no

Trouble in Paradise - What to do if you are Unemployed

Fifteen months ago I decided to take a huge risk and jump into a sudden move to California. I knew what to expect before moving here: High rent, high housing, high gas prices, expensive food, expensive drinks, but at that point in time, and still to this day, the rewards outweigh the risks. Moving from Utah to California I have experienced a new dynamic, a different social atmosphere, a paradise, amazing and fresh olive oil, wine, wine tasting, amazing views, cuisine, fresh food, rolling hills, cooler weather and stunning sunsets. But fifteen months later, here I am. Unemployed. Again. I knew finding a job would be hard but I didn't realize that keeping a job would be harder. Utah's job force was extremely opposite of what I have experienced thus far. I had a job for six and a half years, another for three and a half years. Since moving here, I had a job for ten months, was unemployed for two months, was employed for two more months and, as of today, unemployed. So it's b

The Big Adventure of 2017

1/4/17: For as long as I can remember, New Year's has been a time to set goals - and end up accomplishing very few. It wasn't that I am not motivated or determined to accomplish them, it's just that my goals were so far out there. For years on end my goal was to get engaged. Engaged? We should start off work "Have a boyfriend." Some goals were silly, some were more serious like losing weight. Or saving money. The problem was, I wanted to save $5,000 yet couldn't stop spending money at the casino. I would lose weight by April and reach my goal weight but by December I would be right back up again. Goals should be reasonable actions and possibly within a shorter time frame. This year, I was surprised that I didn't set any concrete goals. Of course I still want to lose weight and others, but this year has mainly been stepping back and analyzing my life. I want to be surrounded by people who are positive, who keep me happy and vice versa. Who truly value and

Losing Weight Goals - January 2016

On Monday August 24, 2015, I went to the doctor and she said the scale cannot go up. I have been working hard at losing weight. I weighed in at 153lbs at the doctors office. After that, there were two reasons why I wanted to lose weight. One was obviously for my health and the other was because I was going to Hawaii over my birthday a month ago. I ended up not going to Hawaii because of how sick I was, but health has still been my focus and goal. Below is my weight information and the changes. As of today, January 3, I weigh 144 pounds. My scale and the doctors scale is about three pounds apart. My goal this year is to be down to 130. I know I can do it and I have done it before. Being vulnerable and opening up about my weight is the only realistic way that I can lose weight. The most I weighed last year was 155 pounds. January 2 = 145 pounds, 1513 calories, burned 377 calories at the gym + dancing January 3 = 144 pounds, 1600 calories January 4= 144 pounds, 1760 calories Janu

New Year - New Me

OK, so the blog title may be a little deceiving because I literally have not spent time thinking about my new years goals or resolutions. Usually I have a whole list ready to go before the New Year and it's nice to see what I have checked off and completed. Below were my 2014, 2015 goals, and now my 2016 goals that I'm going to make up as I go. In 2014, I did not accomplish any of my goals. In 2015, I did publish my first book on April 1. It's funny that my goal in 2015 included "Be cautious of my gambling habits" because I was literally in Wendover last night ringing in the New Year! And - for the record - I only lost $130 (would have been less but I still have a $13 Montego Bay ticket that I forgot to cash out :/ ). The last time I went to Wendover (Thanksgiving Day), I came home up $1,100 and when I went to Vegas a few weeks ago, I lost $500. Overall, the past few months, I have been up altogether :). New Years Eve was one of the best I had! I got off work at 3

Losing Weight Challenge and Goals

On Monday August 24, I went to the doctor and she said the scale cannot go up. I have been working hard at losing weight. I weighed in at 153lbs at the doctors office. Mid-October I will be going to New York and for my birthday in December, I will be going to Hawaii. I want to look good and feel good by the time those days come. Below is my own tracking and updates since August 24. This is for my personal motivation and updated every day or every other day. Goal = Workout 3X a week, get off birth control, drink more water than Coke Monday August 25=Went to the gym, had about 1400 calories Wednesday August 26= Did power yoga Thursday August 27=Had over 50oz of water, two and a half coke zeros, went to a concert and did not eat anything there Friday August 28 = Had over 50oz of water, only one and a half coke zeros, about 1700 calories Saturday August 29=145.5lbs, 180+subway sandwich Monday August 31= 147lbs after all meals for the day, had 85oz of water and feeling light