
Showing posts with the label gambling

Unveiling My Real Dreams of 2019: A Year of Vivid and Intriguing Nighttime Adventures

1/2/19 I had a dream that I was a teachers assistant for I think Seniors? We were in like a dorm though and this couple was talking about collecting rent from each other. I told them that if they collect money, we will find out and they will be in trouble. This other kid was doing a presentation and went to the front of the class and said he was circumcised. Then I sat down and accidentally shot this arrow thing behind me when the teacher was talking and it hit a guy in the arm and everyone noticed. Then I ran into a spiderweb and thought there was a spider on me. I went through and took my jacket off and was freaking out. I had a dream that britanee haymond invited me to the mormon church. I said yes and jokingly asked if I had to give a speech or share my testimony. She encouraged it so I spent a week writing out what I was going to say. It ended up being 10 pages long. During church, I arrived with Amanda and my Dad was there too! Britanee and her sister Ashlee were so excited to

New Year - New Me

OK, so the blog title may be a little deceiving because I literally have not spent time thinking about my new years goals or resolutions. Usually I have a whole list ready to go before the New Year and it's nice to see what I have checked off and completed. Below were my 2014, 2015 goals, and now my 2016 goals that I'm going to make up as I go. In 2014, I did not accomplish any of my goals. In 2015, I did publish my first book on April 1. It's funny that my goal in 2015 included "Be cautious of my gambling habits" because I was literally in Wendover last night ringing in the New Year! And - for the record - I only lost $130 (would have been less but I still have a $13 Montego Bay ticket that I forgot to cash out :/ ). The last time I went to Wendover (Thanksgiving Day), I came home up $1,100 and when I went to Vegas a few weeks ago, I lost $500. Overall, the past few months, I have been up altogether :). New Years Eve was one of the best I had! I got off work at 3

New Year's Resolutions + Other Randoms

I have always been a big fan of New Year's Resolutions. It doesn't mean I have always accomplished everything but it does give me something to strive for. In 2014, I did not hit ANY of my goals. So I'm being more realistic this year. Goal's are made to be realistic anyways, right? Here were my 2014 goals: $5,000 in Savings Get Engaged Publish my Book Run a 5K Be at 125lbs Start a business Get a raise Get off Zoloft Here are my 2015 goals: Publish my Book Finish and complete a second book (Not necessarily publish) Lose 20 pounds by May (Hawaii!) Exercise 2-3X per week Be cautious of my gambling habits (Set limits) Find out what happiness is My book is currently in the Design stage which takes about 1-2 weeks to complete. I have also started working on another book. You can click HERE to read more about my second book. You can also click HERE to "like" my first book's Facebook page. Every other blog, or every othe