
Showing posts with the label fried chicken sandwiches recipe

Fried Chicken Sandwiches

Hi. I just have to vent for a minute because it has been a very stressful two weeks and the only way to truly express myself is through blogging and writing. Two weeks ago yesterday our owner's home burned completely to the ground. There is one wall left standing and the horse stalls. I spent four hours by the front of our gate watching their house and property burn. Luckily our property down the street did not get affected by it all. The planes and helicopters stopped the fire with retardant and it stopped right above our home. When we were able to go back into our home, the power was out because PG&E had turned off power to the owners home for safety reasons, not realizing there was another home that needed power. We were without power for four hours so it was an extremely long day. Of course I am SO grateful that our house did not burn down and it was devastating for our owners and friends.  The next weekend, our water went out. We have well water and I think it was because