
Showing posts with the label financial freedom

Mastering the Mindset of Wealth

When my brother was 18 years old, I remember him telling me, "Abbie, Lexi (little sister) and I both know you are rich." This quote has stuck with me because I have never been rich. I like to say that since I was 20 years old, I have enjoyed "financial freedom." I would take my little sister to the mall and spend hundreds of dollars at once. 🛍️🛍️ I would go out to eat, go where I wanted and when I wanted, go on vacations, go to the casino and spend hundreds (or more), and order clothes online as if I didn't have a budget. Until I sold my condo in 2016. I made a lot of money in an amazing Utah economy and then it hit me. I paid off $30,000 in debt. Not only that, but most of it was credit card debt. This didn't include my student loan! So, to my brother who is now 21, I have never been "rich", I have just enjoyed living outside of my means. 💳💳 I have always had a love/hate relationship with money. Mainly love because when you have a credit car