
Showing posts with the label facebook

Happy Birthday to Me

Ten days ago I turned 30. I guess my birthday could have somehow been worse but let's just say that my amazing plans to spend my 30th in Paradise with Ryan who I hadn't seen in ten years....didn't happen. A day and a half before my flight I had the worst sore throat which led to a cough which is basically what I had right before New York. I knew right when it started that I would not be going to Hawaii. I knew it would knock me out. And sure enough I was at the doctor on my birthday. I should have been in Hawaii but I was so miserable. I worked until 3pm Monday and then stayed home for a few days. I moved my flight from Wednesday to Friday - trying to purposely force myself to get better - but unfortunately that is not how sickness works. So I decided to completely cancel my trip. Ugh. My 30th birthday was spent at home, on my couch, trying to sleep. Went to the doctors in the afternoon and they gave me an antibiotic. The sore throat went away after a few days and then I go

A Never-Ending Cycle

Every blog I have written seems to have the same message. I like a guy, I drop everything, I put 100% of my effort and time into him.....and then he breaks my heart. Story of my life. I'm not writing this to be pitied or negative. I'm just writing this to be realistic. With the guy in my previous post, once again, spending time with him was amazing. He treated me so good and we laughed ALL the time. At least within a three week time span. Now in this case, he never said he didn't want to see me or he didn't like me, or have a lame reason (such as I don't take long enough to get ready) of why he didn't want to see me. In fact, I truly don't know at this exact moment if he does or does not like me. I hardly saw him last week. In fact, just a few hours, lunch on Saturday, in which he invited me. I never asked him if he wanted to hang out. I had assumed that I wouldn't see him that day because I had the Shania Twain concert and had to leave around 5:30. We s

Wow What Happened?

Yesterday I was in the biggest funk. I haven't been this sad/emotional/depressed in a long time. I have been on this emotional roller coaster the past six months and I am sure that if you know me, you know what I mean. One day I enjoy being single, the next I hate it. I was looking forward all last week to seeing the UK boys, and we did, just not mine. Don't get me wrong, Gracies was SO fun like always, until 2am when drama happened and I was just sad that I never saw "Robin Thicke". All yesterday my serious thoughts were....I'm not cute, I'm not skinny, no one likes me, I'm not funny. And those words kept repeating themselves over and over. I really don't know why I got to that point. Maybe I'm sick of men who just want one thing or maybe I'm just missing my UK fling. I at least wanted to say bye but I know I'll get over it. They left to go back to the UK on Saturday. Saturday morning, I got home at 4am. That same day I saw a picture of

Freebies and Prizes I Won in 2015: A Year of Surprising Wins and Giveaways

Some of you may not know but, although I am not an extreme couponer and I am not cheap, I love to win things! Most of the time I win things through Facebook contests and giveaways/sweepstakes. Last year I won quite a bit and I wanted to start from the beginning of January 2015, and share everything I receive this year in a blog post. Let's see if it's worth putting time into. Here is what I have won so far in 2015: - $25 Texas Roadhouse gift card -- Used in March 2015 - Fabric patterns (Valued at $100+) Sold to my sister for $10 - Animal applesauce containers - Sold to my sister for $5 - Downtown Abbey prize pack- Over $100 value -- Sold all for $30 - Digital Kitchen Scale - Sold for $10 -A necklace + Two Earrings from an Etsy Shop -Free E-Book - $25 Etsy gift card - Eve of Joy -Two tickets to the Utah State Basketball game (Couldn't go, didn't pick up tickets) -Burlap Pillowcase - Gave to my sister -All Natural Chapstick -Downloadable Planner -One silver

Christmas Holiday - Why am I alone?

The holidays are supposed to be full of happiness and excitement. I have come to the conclusion that I am 82% happy. I am not me. I am not my old self. I miss what was my other half. I miss what was love. I miss what was. I have to stop lying to myself. I miss Kevin. I would never get back with him but I have been thinking about him SO much lately. It's actually pretty ridiculous. I had several dreams about him. One being that he brushed off the fact that he had a girlfriend and wanted to get back with me. He haunts me. I try and move on and there he is. We had a mutual friend on Facebook and I HAD to delete him because I responded to something he said, and right above me was Kevin's comment. I do enjoy being single. Sometimes. Sometimes, like now, I just want to call someone. I want to tell someone all about my day. I want to snuggle. But I can't. It's just different. And I understand that I need to move on but I think I tried to move on too quickly. I am meant to be

Contests and Giveaways- Are they worth it?

In January 2014, I started doing giveaways and sweepstakes through Facebook. I decided that I would discuss what it's all about and if it's worth the time. Sometimes I will spend hours on end just entering contests and giveaways. There are certain pages on Facebook that offer giveaways or sweepstakes and they do require liking the page, liking another social network, commenting on a post, liking a post, subscribing on YouTube, etc. Some are more extensive than others. I have to say that doing this has been 100% worth it. I have won countless prizes and even have birthday present and Christmas presents tucked away. Below is a list of SOME of the stuff I have won or received. Park City hotel stay in Luxury Suite $100 JC Penney gift card $100 Paypal cash $50 Red Rock Brewery gift card Two ItWorks skinny wraps Seacret Scrub Seacret sample skin care regimen pack Countless headbands and beanies for my nieces Oil samples Shampoo and conditioner samples $100 Tanger Outlet