
Showing posts with the label ex girlfriend

Back to My Normal Self :)

Well, now that it's been two weeks since all of the drama ended (Kylan and I broke up, his ex-girlfriend messaged me, and finding out Kevin got married), I have been in a much better place. I am back to loving the single life, although I do miss being in a relationship. I miss having someone there to snuggle and watch movies with. But I absolutely love dancing. I love Gracie's. I love going out on weekends with my girlfriends and I love that I have been able to build great relationships with women. Usually I don't get along with ladies and would rather hang out with guys. But guys are dumb :) A few weeks ago I met this guy at Gracie's, man bun, super cute, and we messaged for awhile. This past weekend, met up with a few friends....and this upcoming weekend...Park City with my ladies! I will admit that I do think about being in a relationship all.the.time. but I am so used to being in one and I love being in one. I'm trying so hard to be patient, just wait, and rig