
Showing posts with the label depression

Mental Health Awareness Month - My Story

With one day left before May ends, I thought I would write a blog for Mental Health Awareness Month and share my story from 2012. For those of you who don't know, I suffered from mental health- anxiety and depression- back in 2012. Although it hasn't been a huge part of my 30's, it was a huge part of my mid-20's. Eight years ago I went through a lot of major changes in my life - all positive - but with everything happening so quickly, something triggered in my mind where I told myself I did not deserve these things. This quickly turned into anxiety, depression, and a six-month or longer downhill spiral. The first big event was actually buying my own house. Never in my life did I think I would be a homeowner at the age of 26. I found an AMAZING deal on a condo in Utah and, although I LOVED it, I had to deal with so many issues that came with being a homeowner. Every major thing that could happen with owning a home, happened. I had my air conditioner go out, my heater g

Anxiety: Beating and Conquering

This blog post is based on a book that I am writing about conquering or dealing with anxiety. And by anxiety, I don't mean just freaking out every once in awhile. I am talking about full-on can't-go-anywhere-because-I-am-too-afraid anxiety. Like, have to sit on my couch and play nintendo type of anxiety. Can't drive or else I may end up at the hospital anxiety. This was back in 2012 and I can't believe how much of a difference and in a better place I am now. I have worked on my book since moving to California so here is just an introduction of it. I hope you enjoy it. As I start working on it more, I will share but if you have any insight, please comment below as well! Title: Anxiety: Beating and Conquering Author: Abbie Guerrero The controller was covered in my sweat as I clenched it as hard as I could. I sat at the end of my bed, trying to focus on the game I was playing. Jump. Duck. I couldn't help but think of many other things going through my mind. Physi

Seven months and 1 day later....

Who is really counting? I have no idea why I remember September 26. Why it stays in my mind so much. Yes, that is when Kevin broke up with me but my life has been so much better without him. This weekend was SO much fun. I went to Gracies both Friday and Saturday night. I don't know how I managed that one. I was there until close both nights too. I was super surprised that I didn't know anyone there both nights. Except one person. It was bizarre but I danced my a$$ off and had a blast both nights. This weekend was so opposite from a few weekends ago where I was seriously depressed. And sad. Saturday afternoon I met the most amazing person. Kylan. We spent time together Saturday and time together yesterday and I cannot stop thinking about him. He truly is someone that is not only handsome, but honest, a great listener, loves sports like I do, we have so much in common that it is honestly scary. I woke up this morning thinking about him, drove to work thinking about him, talked