
Showing posts with the label condo

Anxiety: Beating and Conquering

This blog post is based on a book that I am writing about conquering or dealing with anxiety. And by anxiety, I don't mean just freaking out every once in awhile. I am talking about full-on can't-go-anywhere-because-I-am-too-afraid anxiety. Like, have to sit on my couch and play nintendo type of anxiety. Can't drive or else I may end up at the hospital anxiety. This was back in 2012 and I can't believe how much of a difference and in a better place I am now. I have worked on my book since moving to California so here is just an introduction of it. I hope you enjoy it. As I start working on it more, I will share but if you have any insight, please comment below as well! Title: Anxiety: Beating and Conquering Author: Abbie Guerrero The controller was covered in my sweat as I clenched it as hard as I could. I sat at the end of my bed, trying to focus on the game I was playing. Jump. Duck. I couldn't help but think of many other things going through my mind. Physi

I'm a total Stress Ball

Have you ever felt like you have done everything that you can - without lowering your standards, values, or goals - but nothing seems to go your way? Blogging and writing are my therapy so, if you are reading this, brace yourselves. This may be repetitive as I have mentioned over and over how tough it has been living out here in California. I moved here 18 months ago on hopes, dreams, $25,000, no debt (except my never-ending student loan) and dreams of winning the lottery (that doesn't seem to be a joke anymore). The year of 2018, I have been hoping for getting that "big break" with a job. See, I am the type that always strives for more, works hard, sets goals, and focuses on what I want and reaches for it. When I see a Social Media Manager job position here in Central California with a pay range of $11/hour (no joke! I have a screenshot if you don't believe me!) it makes me re-think my strategy and plan in life. This plan and future worked for me in Utah and I had no

The Big Adventure of 2017

1/4/17: For as long as I can remember, New Year's has been a time to set goals - and end up accomplishing very few. It wasn't that I am not motivated or determined to accomplish them, it's just that my goals were so far out there. For years on end my goal was to get engaged. Engaged? We should start off work "Have a boyfriend." Some goals were silly, some were more serious like losing weight. Or saving money. The problem was, I wanted to save $5,000 yet couldn't stop spending money at the casino. I would lose weight by April and reach my goal weight but by December I would be right back up again. Goals should be reasonable actions and possibly within a shorter time frame. This year, I was surprised that I didn't set any concrete goals. Of course I still want to lose weight and others, but this year has mainly been stepping back and analyzing my life. I want to be surrounded by people who are positive, who keep me happy and vice versa. Who truly value and

My New Life - Part Two

On March 20, 2012, I signed for my first condo. As I sit here today, I am reminiscing on all of the memories that I have built, through good times and bad, as my house will be sold in six days. I have decided to sell my home and build a condo in Saratoga Springs. Overall, it puts me in a better Financial situation and if there is anything I can do to better myself and move forward in life, I am there. In less than two weeks, over Thanksgiving, I will be in California with my grandparents and cousins. My biggest fear is coming back and forgetting that I don't have a permanent home until my condo is complete the end of January(ish). I know it will be hard. Although I wouldn't consider myself highly materialistic, I have clung to my home as my peaceful spot. It's my go-to when I am anxious, it's my go-to when I want to relax, it's something that I have been able to create and build on my own. It's something that I have claimed as mine. I have built it into somethin