
Showing posts with the label clubbing

Valentine's Day 2015 - It's OK to be alone

If Valentine's Day was three months ago, I would not have made it. I would have probably cried, been lonely and sad. But since it's been 4 1/2 months since my ex broke up with me, I'm in a much better place than I was a few months ago. In fact, I never thought I would really be at this point. I am not 100% but I am probably 90% when it comes to being alone and being OK with being alone. It doesn't mean that I always want to be alone, but it is nice on Valentine's Day 2015 to just run errands like it's a typical Saturday. I have not gone in a date in a few weeks. Half by choice and the other half because there isn't really anyone I want to spend more time with than another. I don't know where to meet people anymore. School, work, and online seem to be the top options. When I was in school, I was in relationships the whole time. Last week I went out dancing which was SO fun and much needed. I felt amazing and it was nice to just have a girls night! I did

Embracing Single Life: What 'I'm Doing Me' Really Means in Dating and Self-Discovery

What does it mean when someone says, "Do You", "Spend Time on You", "I'm Doing Me", I have always wondered that because after four months of being single, I am getting that more from people. To focus on me and do what I want to do and then someone might come along. But how do I know when I'm done "doing me?" if it's such an activity. What if I'm not done "doing me" and someone walks into my life? Do I stop doing that to focus on him? If so, how do I know he is even "the one" anyway? In case you can't tell, I over analyze. A lot. One day I want to be single and date other people and the next, missing having someone there. Actually, every day, without fail, I do think of having someone there, being in a relationship, someone to call, someone to message every day, someone to cuddle with, someone to watch games with. So if this is my mindset, is it still okay to focus on me, yet in the back of my mind be thi