
Showing posts with the label classic sloppy joes

Easy Sloppy Joe Recipe

Our home likes and enjoys Sloppy Joe's. In fact, this is the 5th Sloppy Joe blog I have written: Easy and Delicious Sloppy Joe's Quick and Easy Sloppy Joe's Easy Sloppy Joe's with a Secret Ingredient Ground Turkey Sloppy Joe's A real quick update on my health before diving into the recipe - I'm officially at week 7 for my cough. I saw the doctor 13 days ago and then again 6 days ago. My antibiotics are out and I'm on the last few days of my cough medication/pills that I'm taking 3x per day. My cough seems to have been getting worse the past 3 days or so. I got blood word yesterday, the focus was thyroid and white blood cell count but when I was confirming with the lady who was drawing my blood, she said, "we are checking you for a lot of things" and took 4 vials of blood. I'm still waiting on those results. My energy is better, I have been doing errands and going out and staying active as much as I can. I haven't been napping or anythin