
Showing posts with the label chicken black pepper recipe

Black Pepper Chicken

Happy Saturday! Jace is at a friend's house, Kevin is sleeping so I thought I would catch up on blogs. Lately, I feel like Saturdays are more of a catch up day lately more than a day to relax. I have a huge to-do list that is overwhelming at times. I have been thinking a lot lately about hiring a domestic assistant. I was talking to my Grandma the other day who was saying that she hasn't seen Jace since he was 7 years old. He is now almost 13! I looked at him the other day and thought, "He is almost 13!!!" Where has time gone? I was barely able to squeeze a game of Children's Charades with him the other day after working 9+ hours, home cooking dinner and trying to figure out my medication (I've been exhausted throughout my days but I think I finally figured out a time to take my medication where I'm not tired during the day). Jace is also doing kickboxing once a week in Paso so that has been an adjustment but he loves it. If you have hired or have experien