
Showing posts with the label broncos

Valentine's Day 2016 - The Day of Love

Today is the day of love and I have to say lately, I have been feeling loved. I am trying to be a happy, positive person and trying to enjoy and love life. But. Let's take a step back. Here's what has happened in the last three weeks: -Bronco's won the SUPERBOWL! -Mom got married on February 10, 2016 -I made 100 cupcakes for Mom's wedding -Jared and I have been spending a lot of time together - and he was my Valentine's date -Utah Jazz were on a 7 game winning streak and now they are in 8th place -Susy and Timmy were here a few days ago and Timmy is the cutest <3 nbsp="" p=""> Jared showed up today and as soon as I opened the door, he said, "Happy Valentine's Day" and had a huge bouquet of roses! My favorite. We went and bought ingredients to cook Chicken Parmesan, Salad, and Toast and it was amazing! Things to look forward to: -A three-day work week -Cousin, Timmy, Michael, and Stephen coming out -Gym 2-3X this

Seven Days - The Virus

I have been sick for seven days. This would be okay if I actually had energy and didn't want to sleep all day. I missed two days of work, worked-from-home one day, and then got sent home early when I did go into the office. This reminds me of a repeat of last Christmas where I was sick for two weeks. I had a massive ear infection followed by the sore throat and cough. This time it is the sore throat, cough, ears plugging, sinuses, and exhaustion. I went to the Doctor two days ago and he said it sounds like I have a virus that could last 5-14 days and gave me prescription cough medicine. If I don't get better in five days, he said he will prescribe antibiotics. So the last week all I have literally done is eat, sleep, and watch football. Sounds like the life for some I guess. This also means I didn't go out this past weekend - although sometimes watching Football is more fun than going out :) I watched the Utes destroy Oregon, BYU losing, and Broncos will be playing in jus

What is love Part 2

I will never see Kevin again. I had his hoodie and left it on my porch tonight. I told myself (and God when I prayed) if he came over and knocked or asked if he could come in (he knew I was home) then I knew he cared about me and there was a possibility there was another chance for "us" to work out. If he didn't, he doesn't care. Although I knew I didn't want to see him because it would be even harder to move on and I didn't want to cry and I didn't want to cry and have him walk away like he did the night he broke up with me, part of me still wanted me to see him. But I'm okay with this. This is what is best for me. I have learned a few things since we have broken up. Especially with what I want in a husband. I want someone that shares my passion with sports. I love watching football (I'm watching the Broncos game now!) and basketball and love going to games. How can I marry someone who just doesn't? I also love social media and that's w