
Showing posts with the label bowl

Living Single and Enjoying Single

Two months ago I never thought I would be at this point. I am back to my normal self and I am starting to enjoy things. I go on dates, take care of myself, relax, and bowl every Sunday. The past two weeks have been AMAZING. Like really beyond amazing. A week and a half ago to celebrate my birthday, Sister Amanda, KC, and the three girls went to Vegas and California with me. I did not realize how much I needed my California family. Nana and Amanda took it upon themselves to have a birthday celebration for me at my favorite pizza place - Klondike's! Then back home for cake and ice cream. I have never felt more love than that night. And to have Morgan there too was great. He is an amazing person. Last week was my birthday week and I celebrated by getting a massage, shopping, and going to the Jazz game with Jason. I could not have asked for a better birthday. And being single did not stop me from having a great time. Believe it or not, Kevin did text me on my birthday. I didn