
Showing posts with the label book

Anxiety: Beating and Conquering

This blog post is based on a book that I am writing about conquering or dealing with anxiety. And by anxiety, I don't mean just freaking out every once in awhile. I am talking about full-on can't-go-anywhere-because-I-am-too-afraid anxiety. Like, have to sit on my couch and play nintendo type of anxiety. Can't drive or else I may end up at the hospital anxiety. This was back in 2012 and I can't believe how much of a difference and in a better place I am now. I have worked on my book since moving to California so here is just an introduction of it. I hope you enjoy it. As I start working on it more, I will share but if you have any insight, please comment below as well! Title: Anxiety: Beating and Conquering Author: Abbie Guerrero The controller was covered in my sweat as I clenched it as hard as I could. I sat at the end of my bed, trying to focus on the game I was playing. Jump. Duck. I couldn't help but think of many other things going through my mind. Physi

Mastering the Mindset of Wealth

When my brother was 18 years old, I remember him telling me, "Abbie, Lexi (little sister) and I both know you are rich." This quote has stuck with me because I have never been rich. I like to say that since I was 20 years old, I have enjoyed "financial freedom." I would take my little sister to the mall and spend hundreds of dollars at once. 🛍️🛍️ I would go out to eat, go where I wanted and when I wanted, go on vacations, go to the casino and spend hundreds (or more), and order clothes online as if I didn't have a budget. Until I sold my condo in 2016. I made a lot of money in an amazing Utah economy and then it hit me. I paid off $30,000 in debt. Not only that, but most of it was credit card debt. This didn't include my student loan! So, to my brother who is now 21, I have never been "rich", I have just enjoyed living outside of my means. 💳💳 I have always had a love/hate relationship with money. Mainly love because when you have a credit car

The Four Agreements

Photo credit: Amazon Back in 2012-2013 when I had the worst anxiety of my life, I asked the online world on what I could or should do to help eliminate this anxious and worrisome phase. One person recommended that I read "The Four Agreements". Due to the anxiety and not being able to concentrate on one thing for too long before freaking out, I only read through a few pages. In 2018 I decided to buy the book again and see if there was a way I could make things better for myself. I had moved to California the previous year but lost my job almost two months ago. I had time to read so I decided to see what this book was about and how it could help me maintain my confidence throughout this hard time. This book was extremely powerful to me. I'm not sure why but I got sucked in. I could not put the book down. I like seeing others perspectives on life. Before going into the four agreements, the author spends quite a bit discussing how we are all born and raised believing

Abbie's Life: A Monthly Update

I realize it's been about a month and a half since my last blog. There is a reason for that. I usually write when I'm angry, upset, frustrated, or in some sort of dramatic mood. Things have been nice lately. Nice, peaceful, relaxing, busy, and not dramatic. Maybe that's what happens when you don't have high hopes for your dating life. I can't say I have given up on dating because I have gone on some dates. I think I'm just giving up on the idea that every person that I like wants to be with me. I'm also very much focused on myself, my book, and my cupcake business. I have had more cupcake orders so far in 2016 than I did all last year (I swear!) and I'm actually making a profit. In fact, here is some of the work I have done this year alone: It's funny to look back to 2012-2013 and see the major improvements. If you like what you see, you can always visit my Facebook page: . I have also been focu

Heaven's Hero: A True Story

I am so excited to announce that my book, Heaven's Hero: A True Story, is now on Amazon and Barnes & Noble! Plus, you can also purchase it though Lulu's website - the publisher. All of the links are below. Heaven's Hero: A True Story is about my Dad who passed away in the 2003 LifeFlight helicopter accident here in Utah. Being the oldest, I decided to write a book more for my little brother and sister who don't remember much about my Dad. I hope you enjoy the book. It has taken over ten years to put everything together so there has been a lot of time put into it. Please let me know your thoughts and I love reviews! I have also attached the YouTube video below that explains the whole story from those who were there when it happened. Enjoy! Barnes & Noble Paperback: Barnes & Noble Nook: Amazon Kindle Edition: Amazon Paperback: Lulu Paperback: http://ww

New Year's Resolutions + Other Randoms

I have always been a big fan of New Year's Resolutions. It doesn't mean I have always accomplished everything but it does give me something to strive for. In 2014, I did not hit ANY of my goals. So I'm being more realistic this year. Goal's are made to be realistic anyways, right? Here were my 2014 goals: $5,000 in Savings Get Engaged Publish my Book Run a 5K Be at 125lbs Start a business Get a raise Get off Zoloft Here are my 2015 goals: Publish my Book Finish and complete a second book (Not necessarily publish) Lose 20 pounds by May (Hawaii!) Exercise 2-3X per week Be cautious of my gambling habits (Set limits) Find out what happiness is My book is currently in the Design stage which takes about 1-2 weeks to complete. I have also started working on another book. You can click HERE to read more about my second book. You can also click HERE to "like" my first book's Facebook page. Every other blog, or every othe

Christmas Holiday - Why am I alone?

The holidays are supposed to be full of happiness and excitement. I have come to the conclusion that I am 82% happy. I am not me. I am not my old self. I miss what was my other half. I miss what was love. I miss what was. I have to stop lying to myself. I miss Kevin. I would never get back with him but I have been thinking about him SO much lately. It's actually pretty ridiculous. I had several dreams about him. One being that he brushed off the fact that he had a girlfriend and wanted to get back with me. He haunts me. I try and move on and there he is. We had a mutual friend on Facebook and I HAD to delete him because I responded to something he said, and right above me was Kevin's comment. I do enjoy being single. Sometimes. Sometimes, like now, I just want to call someone. I want to tell someone all about my day. I want to snuggle. But I can't. It's just different. And I understand that I need to move on but I think I tried to move on too quickly. I am meant to be