
Showing posts with the label beach

That Final Day on the Beach

Two weeks ago tomorrow, I was having one of those days. Those days that are hard to explain because they happen so rarely. Nothing seemed to make me happy and nothing, to be honest, was going my way. I tried to put on a smile as I attended a gorgeous wedding on the beach where words can't describe that perfect sunset. This was the type of wedding that I had always dreamed of when I was younger. Food was being cooked right in the sand as the bride and groom said their vows, the weather was a little chilly but the sunset made up for everything on the exterior. My forced smile popped out here and there but only because I would be focusing in that moment and not of the others that surrounded me. I had dropped my phone somewhere between my parked car and the beach and didn't have the energy or strength to grind through the sand and do a full-on search. It was rather nice at times to not have my phone but the awkardness around me made me wish I had it. All those colors of the sunset

The Big Adventure of 2017

1/4/17: For as long as I can remember, New Year's has been a time to set goals - and end up accomplishing very few. It wasn't that I am not motivated or determined to accomplish them, it's just that my goals were so far out there. For years on end my goal was to get engaged. Engaged? We should start off work "Have a boyfriend." Some goals were silly, some were more serious like losing weight. Or saving money. The problem was, I wanted to save $5,000 yet couldn't stop spending money at the casino. I would lose weight by April and reach my goal weight but by December I would be right back up again. Goals should be reasonable actions and possibly within a shorter time frame. This year, I was surprised that I didn't set any concrete goals. Of course I still want to lose weight and others, but this year has mainly been stepping back and analyzing my life. I want to be surrounded by people who are positive, who keep me happy and vice versa. Who truly value and