
Showing posts with the label bbq

10 Amazing Food Places in San Luis Obispo (SLO), California

On February 15th, 2017, I took a plunge and moved from Utah to California. I left my family, my friends, and my life that I had built up for more than 20 years. My initial goal was to live with my cousin in San Luis Obispo (SLO), California, for three months. Well, 15 months later, I'm still here! I absolutely love and adore every aspect of SLO. I have been to many restaurants since being here and was asked and approved to write a blog post on "10 Amazing Food Places in San Luis Obispo (SLO), California." And since being new to the city and providing an outsiders perspective and view on new experiences, I figured, why not? Below are the top 10 food places that I have been to and I did put them in order based on my experience - #1 being my favorite. There are several recommended restaurants and food places that I did place at the bottom of the page but I have not had the opportunity to experience them yet myself, so I did not add them to my top list. Enjoy! 1.  Flour Ho

That Final Day on the Beach

Two weeks ago tomorrow, I was having one of those days. Those days that are hard to explain because they happen so rarely. Nothing seemed to make me happy and nothing, to be honest, was going my way. I tried to put on a smile as I attended a gorgeous wedding on the beach where words can't describe that perfect sunset. This was the type of wedding that I had always dreamed of when I was younger. Food was being cooked right in the sand as the bride and groom said their vows, the weather was a little chilly but the sunset made up for everything on the exterior. My forced smile popped out here and there but only because I would be focusing in that moment and not of the others that surrounded me. I had dropped my phone somewhere between my parked car and the beach and didn't have the energy or strength to grind through the sand and do a full-on search. It was rather nice at times to not have my phone but the awkardness around me made me wish I had it. All those colors of the sunset