
Showing posts with the label basketball

Abbie's Life: A Monthly Update

I realize it's been about a month and a half since my last blog. There is a reason for that. I usually write when I'm angry, upset, frustrated, or in some sort of dramatic mood. Things have been nice lately. Nice, peaceful, relaxing, busy, and not dramatic. Maybe that's what happens when you don't have high hopes for your dating life. I can't say I have given up on dating because I have gone on some dates. I think I'm just giving up on the idea that every person that I like wants to be with me. I'm also very much focused on myself, my book, and my cupcake business. I have had more cupcake orders so far in 2016 than I did all last year (I swear!) and I'm actually making a profit. In fact, here is some of the work I have done this year alone: It's funny to look back to 2012-2013 and see the major improvements. If you like what you see, you can always visit my Facebook page: . I have also been focu

Valentine's Day 2016 - The Day of Love

Today is the day of love and I have to say lately, I have been feeling loved. I am trying to be a happy, positive person and trying to enjoy and love life. But. Let's take a step back. Here's what has happened in the last three weeks: -Bronco's won the SUPERBOWL! -Mom got married on February 10, 2016 -I made 100 cupcakes for Mom's wedding -Jared and I have been spending a lot of time together - and he was my Valentine's date -Utah Jazz were on a 7 game winning streak and now they are in 8th place -Susy and Timmy were here a few days ago and Timmy is the cutest <3 nbsp="" p=""> Jared showed up today and as soon as I opened the door, he said, "Happy Valentine's Day" and had a huge bouquet of roses! My favorite. We went and bought ingredients to cook Chicken Parmesan, Salad, and Toast and it was amazing! Things to look forward to: -A three-day work week -Cousin, Timmy, Michael, and Stephen coming out -Gym 2-3X this

The Best Staycation - Making Memories

This past week and a half has been one of the most amazing weeks of my life. I am a strong believer in vacations but have never tried a staycation. My cousin Susy, her husband Michael, his cousin Stephen, and my cousins baby Timmy came out to Utah from the 18-25th. Originally, I was only going to take a few days off of work to go out with them, show them around, and spend time with them. I am also a HUGE believer in the importance of spending time with family. Taking off of work and spending time with family was one of the best things I could do. Thursday February 18th : Stephen's flight was delayed two hours due to rain and wind. Nana and Papa and I went and picked him up and met up with Sus, Michael, Timmy, and my brother at Texas Roadhouse. That night was super chill with playing pool and darts in Mom's basement. Mix a little bit of alcohol in there, and it was quite the experience. Saturday February 20th: The guys went snowboarding all day and so it was just Sus, Timmy,

What a Week! Navigating Stress and Embracing Changes in Relationships

I won't even lie. This week was so stressful. I can't necessarily pinpoint a certain thing but I feel that it may be a combination of events. I feel like I have completely changed my life the last 29 days. Or events in my life have changed the last 29 days. It's funny how one second I can be super excited and the next, super sad and depressed. Unfortunately, it was this whole week. I did go to the Jazz game with my niece, Emerson, on Monday, and then the Jazz game again on Wednesday with Jared. I had fun but there is still a part of me that isn't used to this new lifestyle. I guess you can say that I am dating someone who is very special to me. It's in the early stages so I won't go on and on, but he makes me extremely happy. I am not out every weekend like I was last year. It's been at least 2-3 weeks since I have been out dancing or out at the club. This is just a new routine and new life. Although I had fun dancing all the time and meeting new people, the

Because I'm Happy

Friday: Tonight I feel like a blog post. Just because. Life has been so incredibly busy yet so good. Time has been spent on myself lately. I have gone to the gym the last four out of five days, took my niece to the Jazz game last night and finally get a night to just do whatever I want. And it feels amazing. It's the weekend, I'm not on-call, I went and worked out, showered, and here I am watching the Kardashians in my sweats. Amazing. Sunday: I sometimes enjoy 3.5-day weekends. Especially since they don't happen that often. I also spent this weekend at the Jazz game with Jared. I met him two weeks ago at Liquid Joe's and I have to say, things have been good. I was thinking way too in-depth about how the game would go, things I would say, things that would happen, yet everything seemed to have happened better than I expected. The movie that we watched after was Inside Out which was the cutest* movie ever :) Today consisted of working out (I'm on a serious roll h

Exciting Giveaways and Freebies I Won in 2016: My Year of Surprising Wins

Below is a list of Freebies that I have won in 2016. If you have any questions about the freebies and how I get them, please leave a comment below! 1 Free Bridal Magazine Issue (Received) Travel Kit - Eye Mask, Travel Pillow, Aromatherapy Candle, and Socks (Received) 1 Year ESPN Magazine Subscription (Received) $25 Brio Tuscan Grille GC (Received) iMagnet Magnetic Mount (Received) Case of Vegetable Chips/Crackers (Received) Face Cleanser (Received) Tupperware (Received) Two (2) bags of barkTHINS 4.7 oz. snacking chocolate multiple varieties Signed poster from Dave Mathews barkTHINS tee barkTHINS branded USB plug TOTAL VALUE: $435.00 (Received) Amazon Gift Card $25 (received, used) BeFit Nutritional Pack Seat Gap Filler (Received) $50 Gift Card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond (received, used - wall decor, candle melts) Four Brian Regan tickets (Sold for $200) Avocado Knife Colori (have not received) Two books:  "London Art Chase" & "Dolphin Wish" D

Dreams 2015-2018

In November 2015, I had a dream that Andrea and I went to a Dierks Bentley concert. Normally we aren't allowed backstage but when we got there (It was actually at Lagoon), we decided to see how far we could go without getting caught. We noticed there was a wedding going on backstage and, as we went in, could see the name of the Mr. and Mrs. on the door. There weren't any security cards so we went backstage without being caught. Except the ceremony was facing the entrance so we walked right in the ceremony. I was completely surprised that no one threw us out at that moment. We danced with a few guys during the reception while Dierks played live music. Next thing I know, everyone is sitting down and a security guard is going through every person and making sure they belonged there. Everyone was wearing a backstage lanyard but Andrea and I. I was sitting next to this guy I had been dancing with and Andrea was on the back row. The security guard asked me, "How do you know the