
Showing posts with the label adventures

That Final Day on the Beach

Two weeks ago tomorrow, I was having one of those days. Those days that are hard to explain because they happen so rarely. Nothing seemed to make me happy and nothing, to be honest, was going my way. I tried to put on a smile as I attended a gorgeous wedding on the beach where words can't describe that perfect sunset. This was the type of wedding that I had always dreamed of when I was younger. Food was being cooked right in the sand as the bride and groom said their vows, the weather was a little chilly but the sunset made up for everything on the exterior. My forced smile popped out here and there but only because I would be focusing in that moment and not of the others that surrounded me. I had dropped my phone somewhere between my parked car and the beach and didn't have the energy or strength to grind through the sand and do a full-on search. It was rather nice at times to not have my phone but the awkardness around me made me wish I had it. All those colors of the sunset

Losing Weight Has Changed Me

....but in a good way of course! Nine months ago I started this "weight loss journey" as most would call it. It was a normal day for me. I was headed to my Thyroid appointment - this occurred every year or so -  this was a standard routine since I was 18. This time, my doctor wasn't so nice. She pointed to my weight and said, "This number cannot go up." It was 153 pounds. The most I have ever weighed in my life was 155 pounds. Immediately I realized that I weighed way more than I should at 5"5'. So I started going to the gym, got on Nutrisystem, and lost 10 pounds within the first 3-4 months. I set my mind to the end goal of losing weight and being happy. I wanted to share a few things that I have learned in the last nine months. It's been a journey to say the least. 1. I learned how to be nice:  I'm not sure if this has come with age or confidence, and most would probably say that I am fairly nice, but those from work would say otherwise ;