
Showing posts with the label Smashburger

BEC Smashburger Recipe

So two days ago, Kevin told me about this BEC Smashburger and I asked him what a BEC was - Bacon, Egg and Cheese. If you can only imagine how amazing and delicious this would be. So I thought I would try it. I didn't plan on writing a blog about it because I already have a Smashburger blog HERE and HERE and didn't think it would be too different. Uh, I was wrong. This burger is MIND. BLOWING. It was literally the BEST Smashburger I have made before. So, since I didn't plan on making a blog post, I didn't take pictures until AFTER the Smashburger was done but it was super easy so here we go! All you need really is Ground Beef (I bought one pound of ground beef and made 5 smashburgers with it), bacon, a few eggs, brioche hamburger buns, cheese slices, ketchup if you would like, and that's pretty much all it needs!  What is a Smashburger you ask? Well all it is is a flattened patty. So what I do is divide up my ground beef, flatten the burger and then use the side of

Lettuce-Wrapped Smashburgers

Cheeseburgers are always a huge hit at our house, and, since I am focusing on losing weight, I decided to wrap mine in lettuce and have a Lettuce-Wrapped Smashburger. Or you can do what boyfriend did and do a 3-layer Smashburger, whatever is best for you! These were easy to make. We purchased ground beef and seasoned with salt and pepper and rolled them up in a ball, a little bit smaller than a baseball. I cooked one at a time in a cast-iron skillet filled with vegetable oil on medium heat. After 3-4 minutes I used two spatulas to smash into a flatter burger. Push down hard with both, flip and continue until thin. Add cheese, let sit a few minutes and place on a plate. Do this until the ground beef is all used up. Get a piece of lettuce and wrap around the cheeseburger. Add ketchup, pickles, mustard, and any other type of vegetables and sauce you would like. Enjoy! Or do a triple layered cheeseburger like Kevin did. Let me know what route you make