
Showing posts with the label Simple apple dessert

Caramel Apple dessert

Good morning and happy weekend! Even though I'm not currently working, I'm still excited for the weekend. Weekends were created to rest, relax, and breathe and that's exactly what I plan on doing this weekend (along with blogging, putting together a desk for Jace's room, and cleaning, it's all about balance, right?) What are your weekend plans? The past few nights for my "midnight snack" I have been making this 5-Ingredient Caramel Apple dessert. The original recipe was posted in the CleanFoodCrush Clean Eating Challenge Facebook Group . The best thing about this recipe is that it only uses 5 ingredients, the yogurt is plain so you can taste every other ingredient, and it's only about 180 calories for the entire bowl. Can't go wrong with that! And for some reason, this recipe reminds me of the marshmallow and fruit jell-o recipe I used to eat when I was little. I don't know why, maybe because that's the texture of it, but it tastes very sim