
Showing posts with the label Raising Kanye - Life lessons from the Mother of a hip-hop superstar

Book Review - Raising Kanye

I went into this book - "Raising Kanye: Life Lessons from the Mother of a Hip-Hop Star" knowing how much Kanye praised his Mom, but not really knowing anything about her and her life and how Kanye was raised.  Ms. Donda West and I had way more in common than I ever thought - especially when it comes to parenting. She seemed like an AMAZING mother who never capped Kanye on his abilities.  "I believe that your parents have a tremendous impact on the kind of parent you become." "Kids pay attention to what they don't have monetarily only when there is a real lack of everything else." "A lot of people like to coddle their children. I don't want to hurt their feelings, or make them for not achieving. But if you don't set the benchmarks, and if you don't set that bar high, you can't expect your children to excel."  "I made sure that Kanye always knew he was loved" "In fact, listening is the only way we can be effective