
Showing posts with the label Honey Mustard Chicken & Potatoes recipe

Honey Mustard Chicken and Potatoes in the Cast-Iron Skillet

How is everyone holding up? It is truly a tough time for everyone. Homeschooling has been a little bit easier this week and I only work 4 hours a day Monday-Thursday with Fridays off so life seems to be OK. But now the biggest hurdle is moving. We are probably not moving to Hesperia like we originally wanted - it may be either Barstow, Victorville, or even a possibility that we may stay in this area. Everything is up in the air right now but we are doing everything we can to get a place locked in by when we move May 22nd. Only 24 days. Eating is complicated because our roommate already put the table in storage so we are eating in our room or out on the porch. We also no longer have a couch. I'm not sure why he put everything in storage a month early but such is life I guess. I'm still cooking but things are just harder to manage. Last night for dinner I made this amazing Honey Mustard Chicken and Potatoes in the cast-iron skillet. The potatoes were probably the best I have ev