
Showing posts with the label Easy Homemade Chicken Fried Chicken

Chicken Fried Chicken and Homemade Gravy

Does the stress of life ever just hit you all at one time? I am stressed to the max today but there are two positive things that happened this week - one is I got a job (this is major!) and I start on Wednesday! And the second is that today is Friday and a 3-day weekend so I get to spend some time with my little family.  This whole week has actually been super stressful so last night we had a little bit of comfort food - Chicken Fried Chicken and Homemade Gravy. Jace rated it an 11/10 and Kevin tried to trick me and said he hated it :( And then he said, "Just kidding, I LOVE it!" and he even took leftovers to work today. Jace helped with this one - he is 10 and loves helping me cook. It can be a little messy but he loves it. If you make this recipe, please let me know in the comments below. This one will definitely be on our list to make again! The original recipe can be found HERE and we used apple cider vinegar instead of regular vinegar and added more breadcrumbs than the

Chicken Fried Chicken

I made this Chicken Fried Chicken a few nights ago but just now getting to post because...well...summer. I actually had the chance to go to the California Mid-State Fair both Friday and Saturday. I haven't been to the fair since 2017. Boyfriend and I had tickets to the Demi Lovato concert in 2018 but ended up selling them and last year the fair was cancelled due to COVID. We had the opportunity to spend a few hours there yesterday and it was SO fun! I forgot how fun fairs are. I took Jace there on Friday and he had a blast with riding rides and playing games. It's an expensive trip but totally worth it!  Anyways, Friday night I made this Chicken Fried Chicken recipe because nothing is better than homemade Fried Chicken, am I right? It is definitely a messy recipe but if you cook at home, this is one that your whole family will love! The original recipe that I used can be found HERE . I did not make the gravy that is in the recipe, we just purchased a gravy packet.  Ingredients: